My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a.

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January 08, 11 2:19 PM (permalink)

My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a.

My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a.

My first impression of X1 upon looking at it on the web was of a very crowded and squished work area. I wasn’t happy with the color either. It looked insipid. The light gray for the windows framing is ugly. Very old looking to me. Now that I have it on my desk top its not as bad as I thought but not as good as it could look if one had some control over color choices. Still on this subject who was the person at CW that thought dark gray on dark gray for labels was a good idea?  Fortunately I was able to change some of the labels by changing a color for text but not all. Don’t ask me what it was. Also color changes seem not to be adopted quickly for various objects even when a color change is supported. CW needs to do a lot more in our ability to customize the colors used for a lot more objects and things that X1 has.

X1 does a really good job of exploiting dual monitors. I see it as working as well if not better then previous versions in this area.  I did try to move the Control Bar onto my second monitor and found it was a very bad fit. So for now it will stay on the primary docked at the top.

Installation and setup went as smooth as it always has. It migrated all my 8.5.3 settings over and did a great job in doing so. I really had little to do after it was done with the install.

One thing it did that surprised me was it also loaded my key bindings. Y is the key bind I use for resetting the clipping indicator. With that I also found that it will work even when the TV or CV is not the focus. This was not true in 8.5.3.

The Track View for me is a welcome change. I like it. I can pretty much have about the same number of tracks displayed as in 8.5.3.  The TV has as much if not more flexibility as Sonars past in how it can display tracks. With the Control bar gone and the track header width small maximum room is left for the display of tracks. With a control surface the spare display is great. Having the Inspectors off screen on another monitor gives all the information one needs.

I don’t like the fact one has to click a number label  of tracks in order to select more then one with the mouse or with shift.  Before I could click on any part of a track header and then with shift select the last track. All would be selected in the range.  It takes a little getting ones head around the notions that a track is not always a track it you have it filtered a certain way. Or you are working from the wrong menu or you have the wrong tool.

This will take time to be automatic for most of us but it is doable. I do like what CW did with automation and solving the on one track versus lanes idea. I do like the one track approach and have said so. I think CW figured out a very workable solution for the clutter of multiple envelopes on the same track with the filter.  To me a lane is another track taking up valuable screen space that shows very little data for the space it takes up. I know many will not agree but I
like the CW way of doing this.

The Console View is used by me on  the other monitor and have done this for a long time in just about all previous Sonars. I like the new CV for its functionality. It still needs some work though. One area I was hoping the CV would be improved in is automatic resizing and shifting of tracks, Buses and Mains so that blank space is avoided. This could be an option. But it would serve me and I believe others well if CW would do this. Its fiddlely to move track and buss dividers around. The one thing that stands out for me is the CV’s hi-lighting selected tracks. At long last. This is important for those that rely on a CS as I do. 

One thing I did get easily was what CW was trying to do with Skylight. I think I may have had an easer time with it because of the forum talking about it so much. Here I have to say for all those that may be wondering I did like the button bar approach CW took in all Sonars till now.  However I understand what they are doing here and it works just fine for me so far.

The Browser is an excellent idea that falls short of its true potential. Another poster mentioned this issue and I find it most annoying. The Browser wont display track icons as pictures. I know that this is not a huge thing but if you think about it and how easy it would be to drag an icon from it to a track you will see how dumb it was to leave this ability out.  Plus it seems that frozen tracks can’t receive dragged icons from the Browser. Again dumb idea. Otherwise the Browser is a darn good idea but needs more work. I do like the ability to view all plugins via the Browser and also use them from it. That is drag and drop. The synth rack in the Browser is OK with me. I have the browser docked in the Multidock at the bottom. Many have mentioned that they would like the Multidock be removable. It should be removable  but I have not been bothered by it being at the bottom collapsed.

Multidock, I don’t see a reason for it. Its not that bad though. But we had tabs in Sonar 8.5 and they worked much the same except it is far quicker and easier to open the Multidock and collapse it with all ones views there.
I wont use it for the CV so that is not an issue. Oh, why is the CV not given a single letter hotkey like most of the other important views? Some of you are not users of the CV, still it is very important to many of us.

Screensets I have the same attitude but perhaps more so. I don’t like them at all. I much prefer Layouts. I think they are a bad idea when they also removed Layouts. If layouts were still around I wouldn’t care but by limiting it to a per project screen set I am frustrated to say the least. This is a dumb idea or it is without layouts.

The Control Bar. I like it. I like it a lot.  It should be far more customizable then it is now but it does do what it is intended to do. I think it looks nice too.

Smart tools I have no real problem with it or the way it all works. I am a little queasy using the Smart tool and do prefer the actual tool to do things but I may over time warm up to it.

Performance and stability.  Here I have noticed an improvement in both areas. I had no issues with 8.5 and I have no issues with X1. The CPU meters are not being used as much as in 8.5. Now I don’t know if they are comparable so I can’t say anything about getting truly better CPU usage as compared to 8 or not. If they are then I am getting remarkably lower CPU usage.
I like the performance module. It’s a better thought out module then the old one. Not that the old one was bad this is just better.                                           
The internal 64 bit CW plugins seem to work better over all in X1.

Pro Channel is OK but I am not that impressed by it. I like it enough to use it and it does what CW says it is supposed to do. I do think as others have stated it does need a zoom or enlargement ability of the graph screen and a scale.

Track Inspector I love it. Its what I have been asking for for a very long time. CW went even further than I had asked. I have nothing but kudos CW in how they did this. One big reason I find it so good is its also on the second monitor. It does not take up valuable screen space in the TV. Now you think that with the CV there and the inspector there what good is it? The CV will be on top of most of the time. Its great because to have it come to the front all I have to do is hit a track with my mouse. There it is ready for me to do what I need to do with it. Then I want the full CV back I just click the CV. I think the track inspector is the single best thing in X1.

For me the “workflow “ is far better in X1 then it has ever been in any other Sonar. The above is just one reason.

MIDI in X1 is fantastic. The Inline Piano Roll has been greatly upgraded. Another long asked for improvement. It finally is what it should have been from the beginning. One should not need to use the old PRV for the bulk of MIDI related things one needs to do. Some things are best still done in the old PRV. It hasn’t lost its usefulness but you don’t need to rely on it any more for most things. Plus you gain track line up context with it. That means that notes will line up with all your other data in all your visible tracks.  It gives context for where you are and where everything else is. I believe as soon as users start using this it will be a big deal.

Because all my MIDI gear was migrated over I didn’t have to do anything about it.

Audio was fine as well. No configuring needed.

Vista and X1.  I have seen posters say that X1 does not perform well on Vista. Nothing could be further from the truth. It performs extremely well on Vista. I am running Vista Ultimate 64 bit and also run Sonar X1 in 64 bits. I have only seen better performance overall. 

Also I noticed when I used the N key when on play that X1 looked better in is screen updates. In case you don’t know what the n key does it centers the now time line. If you keep it pressed the tracks will scroll by it. It just looks and feels better then ever before. This is due to the reworking and in improvements to the graphic subsystem that Noel writes about in his Sonar X1 Fine print.

Some oddities. I was working in a project and was fooling around with the computer keyboard up and down arrows keys. What happened was for some reason I have no way of figuring out as I went from one track to another they auto sized. With the arrow curser as it was over a track header it would make that track size up to a size I had had at a earlier point. Then as went to another that I just left went back and the new one enlarged. This was  great but alas couldn’t  get it to do it again and gave up. If anyone knows how to do this I would like to know too.

Why is the menu at the top of the TV on the right side of the time readout have a configuration matrix AKA Track Control Manager that has no effect? Here one is presented with all the possible widgets for a header and it appears that selecting any of them will do absolutely nothing? After working with it it seems that we are limited to the number of widgets that can be displayed on a track. Not many.
I don’t know where this is coming from but it is annoying. For some reason some FX bins are by default bypassed. Not all but enough to be a pain. Of course one wont know this has happened unless one checks on it at times. 

I opened an old Sonar demo song and the track inspector remained a blank. Nothing would fix this except not loading the project.

I did a little custom work on the Control bar by replacing one module with the Event Inspector. This it seems causes the Control Bar to vanish. It had no effect on the rest of then program but there was no getting it back without a restart.
Menus and more menus and damned menus. X1 is a menu driven DAW. It will remain to be seen if this works out best with some admitted modifications from CW. A few more essential buttons may prove to be all that will be needed to qualm the uproar. There are a few I would like to see. Its doubtful I will see the ones I want. But If CW is smart they will give the ability to choose the buttons each finds the most needed and useful. 
Conclusion. I have already made X1 my primary DAW. When CW figures some way to give us back a manageable button selection and fixes the known bugs, Audio Snap and V-Vocal and others, it will be a very strong DAW that need not hide from any and all competition.



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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:31 PM (permalink)
    Interesting review....

    Ref the console one button press. If you dock it in the multidock, float that to your second monitor and then maximise it your CV is available to hide/open at the press of D.

    Screensets, need some exploring and a  lot of lateral thinking but they are far more powerful than layouts ever were. I agree they need a better way of saving/exporting loading/importing but aside from that they are great.

    For example I have two CV screensets one for track view and another for buss view with the TV set accordingly for each. That way I can jump between track console and buss console at the press of a button. Layouts could never do that as quickly.

    I think once the bugs are sorted this will be the best version by far. My 2p..........
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:36 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the great review John.

    I have a single monitor and really like Screen Sets but not opposed to Layouts either, I just never used them in 8.53 so I don't know what I'm missing and begin my new projects from a single template so that, in a way, acts like a global layout of sorts.

    I agree that something like a custom 'My Tools' module in the control bar might be enough to "qualm the uproar."

    The multi dock I use only because it's there and have learned 'D' and shift 'D' to make it come and go but do not incorporate into my work flow. But now that I think about it it's nice to get whatever's on my screento go away with 'D' and get it back the same way.

    I think the browser has a long ways to go before it's as good as it can get but it beats what we had before by a mile.

    Again thanks for the time and you review.

    Humbly Yours


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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:38 PM (permalink)
    Good points FBB. I really don't see the point of hiding the CV with a dual monitor setup. I do like the multidock for keeping views of a few other views such as the browser at hand but not interfering. I don't mind it on the primary monitor with the TV.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:38 PM (permalink)

    For example I have two CV screensets one for track view and another for buss view with the TV set accordingly for each. That way I can jump between track console and buss console at the press of a button. Layouts could never do that as quickly.

    I adopted my Screen Sets in this way after reading your posts re: same. LOVE IT.

    Humbly Yours


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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:43 PM (permalink)
    Larry there is no real difference between layouts and screensets except layouts for me are easier to work with. The other thing is one can choose what keys activate a layout. I had mine bound to the num pad. Layouts did exactly the same things as screensets but they were always accessible at any time from any project.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:46 PM (permalink)

    Good points FBB. I really don't see the point of hiding the CV with a dual monitor setup. I do like the multidock for keeping views of a few other views such as the browser at hand but not interfering. I don't mind it on the primary monitor with the TV.

    No you're probably right about hiding the CV with dual monitors, good option with one though.

    One thing that you may or may not find helpful with a dual monitor setup again uses the multidock. With the multidock on your second monitor and maximised with the CV already loaded, you can double click a MIDI track which will open the PRV maximised in the multidock. Switching between that and the CV is then just pressing Ctrl-Shift + left/right arrows.

    Changing the current MIDI track for editing is simply done by double clicking on it in the TV.

    Of course if you prefer the inline PRV that may not be that useful for you but it is another example of how versatile and quick X1 can be.
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:48 PM (permalink)

    Larry there is no real difference between layouts and screensets except layouts for me are easier to work with. The other thing is one can choose what keys activate a layout. I had mine bound to the num pad. Layouts did exactly the same things as screensets but they were always accessible at any time from any project.

    Different strokes. The bad thing about Screen Sets I've observed from other users is once cold to the idea they don't get explored nor do they get the credit they deserve.

    Humbly Yours


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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 2:56 PM (permalink)

    Larry there is no real difference between layouts and screensets except layouts for me are easier to work with. The other thing is one can choose what keys activate a layout. I had mine bound to the num pad. Layouts did exactly the same things as screensets but they were always accessible at any time from any project.

    See Jon I disagree, layouts would never remember things like snap to settings, zoom level etc., I think screensets are the next logical step up from layouts - but they do need some different thinking to get the best out of them.

    You can even have the same view at two different zoom settings, an instant zoom in/out if you like. Of course that may not be useful to you but layouts had more limitations on their usefulness than screensets do.

    The only limitation I've found with them so far is my imagination.

    I agree with HumbleNoise they really need exploring before dismissal.
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 3:18 PM (permalink)
    thanx John good review man...

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 4:11 PM (permalink)
    I agree with the track view.Much improved over 8.5 to me and is the main reason I decided to take another look at a Cakewalk product!I could never stand looking at 7/ 8.  Also agree about the track inspector,much appreciated, and still somewhat undecided about the Pro channel sound,although I do like the looks and ability to twiddle in one view and then tuck away! Overall,well pleased with this product nd it certainly is bringing in new customers for Roland Cakewalk,which is what they want!
     I do have some reservations about some workflow parts I find more time consuming in comparison to my other Daw Cubase5, but that is not open to debate here, just an observation!   Overall,a great product and a good future when all the bugs are sorted!
    post edited by jamtrax - January 08, 11 4:15 PM
    John T
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 4:13 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, me too, I really like the whole edit filters thing. Feels completely natural already, and feels weird when I go back to 8.5.
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 4:44 PM (permalink)
    John I think the Edit Filter is a brilliant solution to a sticky problem.

    John T
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 4:51 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, it has the hallmark of all really smart ideas, in that once you've used it, it seems almost comically obvious. Like "Why the hell wasn't it always like this?"

    Among the many things I like about it, I like the way it's dispensed with the idea of having to actively create an envelope or actively switch on audio snap. You can just work assuming those things are always there, and the system invisibly deals with whether those functions are on or off.
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 5:05 PM (permalink)
    John: Great review, it's always nice to see what others think, and always interesting to get different views.

    I will agree with others though - you should explore Screen Sets a little more. I could never go back now that I've used them. I think the MultiDock has a similar potential, but I haven't wrapped my head around that yet. I'm certainly open to it.

    Just my 2 cents.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 5:31 PM (permalink)
    What I like very much about this kind of review, is when someone obviously is making up his own, independant mind about something, instead of reacting too much to what others say and do. Thanks for taking the time, John!

    Overall, reading this review, in a way is to me like reading an afterward explanation for why some of us had enough spontaneous reason to like X1 quite fast, and even felt that it could be a new kind of very powerful tool, while others tried all to ridicule exactly that perspective all day long, as kind of revenge for bug experiences or for having to change shortcut and procedure habits. Both contexts didn't make much sense to me: critisizing what's obviously there and working very well, in one go against each and every diappointment.

    I disagree on the screensets, John: If I had to choose, I would anytime prefer them over layouts for the reasons FBB has named.
    Still it would be very useful to be able so save and recall a complete optical setup, with docking, screensets and multidock settings, wherever you are, not just at the beginning of a new project loading a template.
    Same counts for the Multidock: I find it quite useful, and it really hardly can be in anyone's way from my view.

    post edited by jimknopf - January 08, 11 5:36 PM
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 7:13 PM (permalink)
    Excellent post Jim. I especially appreciate the insight you show on the underlying meaning of the review.  Thank you for seeing that.

    By it being late I had the benefit of reading many posts that gave me things to look at. What they would mean to me and how I would handle them. 

    This is a very radical remake of Sonar. It will perplex some and baffle others.  Clearly it will destroy they way a lot work with the old Sonar if they wish to adopt this version. For me it was a rather easy transition. Also having the manual was very helpful. 

    I do believe that this is a great version that can only get better. I see great things being added to it and I feel its going to make a great foundation for the future. 

    The thing I want to make clear is that X1 in no way prevents me from creating music. I can work with it for the most part better then I ever did with the old Sonar. It has some rough edges that need to be smoothed but that is to be expected with this degree of change.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 7:50 PM (permalink)
    Nice reveiw John.
    I'm not sure what your saying here.
    Why is the menu at the top of the TV on the right side of the time readout have a configuration matrix AKA Track Control Manager that has no effect? Here one is presented with all the possible widgets for a header and it appears that selecting any of them will do absolutely nothing? After working with it it seems that we are limited to the number of widgets that can be displayed on a track. Not many.

    I was able to change the headers buttons by selecting/unselecting in the different veiws.

    Craig DuBuc
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 8:13 PM (permalink)
    It will only change the few that are there but not add any. It will remove those few too. It gives the impression that if you click on a widget it will be added to the header. It will only do this if you also remove one already there.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 8:28 PM (permalink)
    one of the most thought out reviews I've read on here John.  

    Much better than just spewing crap just cuz like most I read on here. 
    Thanks for that John - really nice honest thought out review!  

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 8:28 PM (permalink)

    It will only change the few that are there but not add any. It will remove those few too. It gives the impression that if you click on a widget it will be added to the header. It will only do this if you also remove one already there.

    It didn't do that here. I'll check it again to be sure. I added vol, pan, gain, in/out to the default custom header and that's what it did.

    Craig DuBuc
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 8:37 PM (permalink)
    I just noticed you can't add a velocity control to a Midi track custom header. Is that where you're going with this?

    Craig DuBuc
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 9:02 PM (permalink)
    Great review John, but when you say X1 is now your primary Daw already, that's a different story.

    My income right now is for the most part made by 8.5 2 and 3(for which I'm grateful:-), but I'm not going to risk that by upgrading to something that has as much "dropouts" as reported here by the "heavy users".

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 10:03 PM (permalink)

    Great review John, but when you say X1 is now your primary Daw already, that's a different story.

    My income right now is for the most part made by 8.5 2 and 3(for which I'm grateful:-), but I'm not going to risk that by upgrading to something that has as much "dropouts" as reported here by the "heavy users".

    If your life depends on whatever what, you have to be able to trust that.


    I totally agree that you nor anyone else should adopt X1 until you are fully convinced it will not disappoint you.

    As to what others report I am simply not finding any of it true for me. I have not had a single crash nor a dropout of any kind. Sonar 8.5.3 works solidly on this system and X1 does as well. 

    I avoid the known bugs so why wouldn't I use it for day to day work?

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 10:12 PM (permalink)
    one of the most thought out reviews I've read on here John. Much better than just spewing crap just cuz like most I read on here. Thanks for that John - really nice honest thought out review!
    Thank you Mooch. I really tried to be accurate in what I said and what I thought. Don't forget I had time to digest what had been written before. That was helpful to me and allowed me to make up my own mind after really working with X1. I actually had use of it for a lot longer then was apparent.  I found it funny at times when I was reporting in posts what I had found and being told that I needed to get it when I was in fact using it. It just was not my copy. I couldn't claim I owned it. Nor did I want to explain the difference. Therefore I didn't say anything on that issue.

    John T
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 10:17 PM (permalink)
    It is nice to read a sober and considered assessment at last. Parts of it I concur with and parts of it I don't, but none of it is based on melodrama, sneering at imagined "noobs", or baseless speculations about either Cakewalk as a business or other users. Which makes it a truly minty blast of fresh air around here.
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 10:21 PM (permalink)


    It will only change the few that are there but not add any. It will remove those few too. It gives the impression that if you click on a widget it will be added to the header. It will only do this if you also remove one already there.

    It didn't do that here. I'll check it again to be sure. I added vol, pan, gain, in/out to the default custom header and that's what it did.

    This is the header display.

    This is what is selected in the track control manager. It even has a select all button.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 10:23 PM (permalink)
    John T

    It is nice to read a sober and considered assessment at last. Parts of it I concur with and parts of it I don't, but none of it is based on melodrama, sneering at imagined "noobs", or baseless speculations about either Cakewalk as a business or other users. Which makes it a truly minty blast of fresh air around here.

    Thank you John.

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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 11:17 PM (permalink)

    This is the header display.
    This is what is selected in the track control manager. It even has a select all button.

    Hi John, I may just be confused about what you're referring to. Are you saying what you have checked in control manager isn't matching what's showing up in the audio track strip? It looks like everything is there, minus aux send because none has been inserted.

    post edited by StepD - January 08, 11 11:20 PM

    Core2 6600 2.40 GHz, ASUS P5B Deluxe, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630 2GB, 3 Seagate Sata, Echo AudioFire 4 asio, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab
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    Re:My review of Sonar X1 Producer version 1a. January 08, 11 11:25 PM (permalink)
    Great Review John, ol pal.  I know I'm starting to sound like the SmartTool Ambassador of Goodwill or somethin but I really do think that if you'll give it some time and work with it on a consistent basis you'll come to love it.  I found it kind of funky at first...but as per usual it was because I didn't RTFM to see that it would do just about everything I need it do all by itself with no (or little) modifier keys.  I'm  hooked on it now and couldn't go back.  Hope you grow to like it too.  Thanks again for your insight. 
    Where you come from is gone...where you thought you were goin to weren't never there...and where you are ain't no good unless you can get away from it.
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