Softsynth/sampler playback issue in X1a
Hi all,
I am assuming what I am seeing is a bug.
Basically I have a project with multiple softsynths, samplers, 3 instances of Kontakt 4, and a few other things. Basically some of soft synths, samplers stopped playing. The MIDI is in there, everything was properly routed as it was working before and recently it stopped working. I can still trigger sounds on my MIDI keyboard but when I play back nothing happens.
Although if I FREEZE the track, it works? Which is weird. Anyways everything seems to be alright, but it's like someone cut the nerve fibers connecting the MIDI output into Kontakt and a few VSTi's
Also I noticed that the Pro Channel needle on the compressors doesn't always seem to work. I think I remember reading that somewhere else.
Anyways has anyone has experienced this?
Sonar X1 Expanded PE 64 bit
Intel i7 2600k oc'd, 16Gb DDR3 RAM, intel 320 SSD OS drive, 7200RPM HDDx2, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit VS 100, Tascam US-2000, UAD2 - Izotope, Fabfilter, NI Komplete 7/Kore2 & +, Spectrasonics+