Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day"

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2011/01/15 23:02:21 (permalink)

Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day"

Hey guys!

Wow, it's been a while since I last recorded something. This song is the first of many songs to be recorded on new hardware (God is good!).  Let me know what you guys think! This was my first crack at drums (and loops, for that matter) being included, so some advice on mixing in that area would be much appreciated. And for once, I actually used a metronome! Lol.

Any comments/criticisms are welcome! Thanks guys! 
post edited by SnyderTrigger - 2011/01/15 23:12:07

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation

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    Peter Rabbit
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/17 21:25:35 (permalink)
    I love your musical style! You're coming along nicely with your mixing as well. Are those audio or midi drum loops? Now that you're using loops you can understand the importance of playing in time to the metronome. If your timing was off then you wouldn't have been able to use audio or midi loops to create the drum track for your song. You would have had to pound the drums out by hand.
    You really have talent, which is 90% of the journey, everything else can be learned. Talent is something that is God given and although it can be be improved it can't be learned.
    I'm surprised you're not getting more responses to your posts.
    I sent you another e-mail earlier today concerning your other song. I hope you get to re-create it soon.
    post edited by Peter Rabbit - 2011/01/17 23:24:45

    "Creating a bad song takes just as much time and energy as creating a good one. The problem is that you don't know it's a bad song until someone tells you, and by then it's too late."
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 01:40:34 (permalink)
    Yes, I agree with Rabbit...very nice style.
    Simple, easy to listen to!
    I think the drum rolls could have been louder, and the hit hat closed up on verses. Towards the end of the song the drums switched to a rim shot, which was a VERY NICE touch!
    If it were me producing it? Different guitar, different mics, stereo mic everything, probably use brushes instead of drum sticks, 16th notes on a distant tambourine during the choruses, "some" harmonies thrown in there somewhere, perhaps a little mandolin.
    Really, you have a nice feel to this song! Good job!


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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 11:00:41 (permalink)
    I like the lyric and the guitar, something I hear in the back of the guitar sound is very cool.
    I wish you gave the feel in your singing that you gave in your writing. Like the voice M8
    Cheers, Terry
    Peter Rabbit
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 12:36:32 (permalink)

    If it were me producing it? Different guitar, different mics, stereo mic everything, probably use brushes instead of drum sticks, 16th notes on a distant tambourine during the choruses, "some" harmonies thrown in there somewhere, perhaps a little mandolin.

    I agree with this comment. I'm guessing that he used audio drum loops and it's very hard to mix those into a project because you don't have control over each percussion instrument. The song could also use some additional instruments to really make it shine. But you have to admit the song has an incredible foundation upon which to build. The lyrics, the melody, and the entire structure of the song are all really outstanding. I believe he's very young and very new to all of this. In time he will only improve with his production skills and he's going to be awesome! He has the talent to both write and sing, he just needs time to learn how to add the polish.

    I wish you gave the feel in your singing that you gave in your writing.
    My guess is that he lives in his parents' home and records his music in his bedroom. I think he probably lacks the confidence to sing his best because he's embarrassed to let the rest of his family members hear him. Perhaps his family doesn't realize his potential, which is very common with family members. I remember watching an interview with Annie Lennox when she admitted that her own children are totally embarrassed whenever she sings around the house. They think she's awful! Family members usually aren't aware of a singer/songwriter's talents because it's a side of that person that they never knew. They usually only see the person that they're familiar with and even though they have talent it just sounds strange to them.
    I think once he's over the fear/discomfort of being heard by other family members he'll really let go and sing with a passion and we're going to hear some incredible stuff coming from this fellow. I think his vocal skills are much better than even he realizes at this point.
    Hopefully his family will encourage him to continue because he's a diamond in the rough and could really go places with his music.  I've heard some of his other songs and I hope to hear a lot more from this young fellow, he's incredible! I believe he just needs a little encouragement.
    post edited by Peter Rabbit - 2011/01/18 13:05:47

    "Creating a bad song takes just as much time and energy as creating a good one. The problem is that you don't know it's a bad song until someone tells you, and by then it's too late."
    P. Rabbit
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 23:01:58 (permalink)
    Man! Thank you so much for the kind words, guys! And Peter - dude, that totally blesses the socks off me to hear you say that! Although, Christ deserves the praise - not me. I am nothing.

    This was actually my first attempt at creating a drum loop track.  So yeah - I heard the fills a little too low as well. I think I'll go back and play with this sometime soon. 

    Again, thanks for all the tips! I really respect all of your input. 

    "Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

    My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 23:08:24 (permalink)
    Nice song Nick, relaxing to listen to.  I agree the drums could be a little different but for the most part they kept the feel of the song.  The last roll of the song and when the drums abruptly stop right before the words come in were two places that I thought would benifit from some touching up.   Overall it was nice to listen to.

    - Mike
    Sonar Platinum - M-Audio Profire 2626 , Pro Tools 11 HD Omni - PC I7 6850K - 64 G RAM - GeForce GTX 970 
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/18 23:34:42 (permalink)

    Nice song Nick, relaxing to listen to.  I agree the drums could be a little different but for the most part they kept the feel of the song.  The last roll of the song and when the drums abruptly stop right before the words come in were two places that I thought would benifit from some touching up.   Overall it was nice to listen to.

    Thanks, man! 

    "Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

    My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/19 22:33:04 (permalink)
    Yeah, I agree with Pete.  :-) If I could have been 1/2 this good at your age, maybe I wouldn't be struggling so much with song-writing now.  :-)  This is a great song.  (and I like the drums...except when they totally cut out right before the vocals start, but that's minor.  But keep in mind, most people around here don't like my drums.  lol)  Anyway, yeah, great structure, great words, and nice arrangement.  I'd love to hear you really belt it out some day.  Glad you got some new hardware.  What is it? 

    Great job! 
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/22 01:16:42 (permalink)

    Yeah, I agree with Pete.  :-) If I could have been 1/2 this good at your age, maybe I wouldn't be struggling so much with song-writing now.  :-)  This is a great song.  (and I like the drums...except when they totally cut out right before the vocals start, but that's minor.  But keep in mind, most people around here don't like my drums.  lol)  Anyway, yeah, great structure, great words, and nice arrangement.  I'd love to hear you really belt it out some day.  Glad you got some new hardware.  What is it? 

    Great job! 

    Thanks, Janet! That means a lot! Seriously though, without Christ, I wouldn't even be close to even where I'm at now. God is good - all the time. He deserves more praise than we can give Him. Honestly, truly, really - I'm not just saying that.

    My new hardware includes an AT2020 condenser mic, Sennheiser Headphones, and an Fast Track MKII interface. 

    "Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

    My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
    Peter Rabbit
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/22 09:35:19 (permalink)
    AT2020 condenser mic, Sennheiser Headphones, Fast Track MKII interface, and God. All good stuff.

    "Creating a bad song takes just as much time and energy as creating a good one. The problem is that you don't know it's a bad song until someone tells you, and by then it's too late."
    P. Rabbit
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    Re:Brand Spankin' New Song (On New Hardware!!) - "Day By Day" 2011/01/22 12:16:48 (permalink)
    Peter Rabbit

    AT2020 condenser mic, Sennheiser Headphones, Fast Track MKII interface, and God. All good stuff.

    Haha - amen! Especially that last one...He's good all the time!

    "Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

    My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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