Re:DAW Full Assign and VS-100 plug-in control
2011/01/23 15:08:17
Hello PF Twanger, thanks for the welcome, and also hello to Lampoonland,
Now I just found something interresting on the SONAR V-Studio 100 DVD containing the Production Pack and the Sonar VS install.
On this DVD you will find a folder named 'SONAR ACT XML FILES' and within that folder a file named 'VS100ACT.XML'
You can open this file with Notepad or any other text editor (or XML-Editor) to see whats inside, its editable text.
There are also brief text instructions in the same folder like 'ACTXML_Readme_EN.txt' explaining in english how to Copy V-STUDIO 100 ACT mappings to SONAR :
1. Open 'My Computer' or 'Computer' from the start menu or desktop.
2. Locate the V-STUDIO 100 DVD, right-click on it and select 'Explore'.
3. Locate the 'SONAR ACT XML FILES' folder and double click it to open it.
4. Locate the file named: 'VS100ACT.xml'
5. Right-click on the VS100ACT.xml file and choose 'Copy'.
6. Open the Run Prompt, hold down the Windows key (located between CTRL and ALT) and press R.
7. Type the following into the run prompt: %appdata%\Cakewalk\ACT Data
8. Click OK.
9. Right click inside the ACT Data folder that opens and choose 'Paste'.
Lampoonland, maybe this is also a way to add parameters to other controls like the Jamstix control you mentioned?
Though the parameters in the .xml file are preceded by a hexadecimal code (registry key?) representing the particulair plug-in?
I havent tested this myself yet but just wanted to let you know this in case you didnt notice this feature yet.