This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped!

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2011/01/28 23:21:26 (permalink)

This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped!

  This is the last time I post a message about my website on these forums. I've made a lot of changes and have gotten some serious helpful advice from posting it here on these forums. I'm not advertising, and I'm not making money. I get opinions that I don't always like, but sometimes I have learned a lot from them.

This is the FINAL version. I hope in the next month or so to have it listed on the search engines as an independent site with it's own area, and it's own domain,  we shall see.  Only time will tell. I just enjoy doing this stuff and I hope it helps someone, or at least gives them a laugh. 

I've learned a lot since I started this sub-domain area, but I am by no means an expert at all!

I'm just some old 80's Bbs "Bulletin Board System" SysOp - "Systems Operator" that finally learned how to get his website up there to be viewed.

I added forums in the last day or so, but don't take them the wrong way, it's not to compete with any other forums, it's just there to make things easier when communicating with others, meaning it's easier than having multiple emails to reply to on thoughts in a forum where website content is concerned, than it is to have them in an email. JMO......... Either way, nothing bad there and I'm not competing with anyone. LOL, I have 1 user "ME".

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to check it out, I'm not a rich or well off person,  that's why I have this sub-domain for now. I hope in the future to have my own Domain, this is all I can do for now to be creative with my means. Although the site can be viewed by all. 

This is my original creation, not one given to me by anyone else, I hope it looks cool. It is a bit RETRO I guess, 80's. But I like it and I guess that's all that should mater.

Either way, Thanks to all who have offered advice in the past on my site, this is the result :

The Planet Earth!

Thanks again,


post edited by RockingChair - 2011/01/29 00:06:25


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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 00:38:49 (permalink)
    Hey Bobby, it really looks pretty good with some interesting content too.  I got caught up on the news headlines and discovered there were more free VST sites than I would likely live long enough to explore.  Good luck with it.
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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 01:19:17 (permalink)

    Hey Bobby, it really looks pretty good with some interesting content too.  I got caught up on the news headlines and discovered there were more free VST sites than I would likely live long enough to explore.  Good luck with it.



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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 06:54:30 (permalink)
    Got some good content on the site...looking good!!   

    The space you have will always be exceeded in direct proportion to the amount of stuff you have...Thornton's Postulate.

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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 07:07:09 (permalink)
    Hey that's great Bobby.

    There's some good fun stuff on there.

    "We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles.
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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 11:35:57 (permalink)
    Good tunes on that site. You need some vocals in there but overall really good stuff.

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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 14:35:51 (permalink)
    Hey Bobby, if I ******* sign up, am I allowed to ******* well swear if I ******* well feel like it?
    I ******* love ******* swearing me.
    And I'm impressed mate, you website looks great
    No pun ******* well in*******tended

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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 15:46:43 (permalink)

    Hey Bobby, if I ******* sign up, am I allowed to ******* well swear if I ******* well feel like it?
    I ******* love ******* swearing me.
    And I'm impressed mate, you website looks great
    No pun ******* well in*******tended

    Straummy, please get a new keyboard or at least unmap all those characters from the * key. 

    Wookiees recent post made more sense to me.
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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 17:17:21 (permalink)

    Straummy, please get a new keyboard or at least unmap all those characters from the * key.  

    No ******* problem mate.

     Music:     The Coffee House BandVeRy MeTaL

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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 20:12:40 (permalink)

    Hey Bobby, if I ******* sign up, am I allowed to ******* well swear if I ******* well feel like it?
    I ******* love ******* swearing me.
    And I'm impressed mate, you website looks great
    No pun ******* well in*******tended

    That's always made me laugh, everytime I see somebody do that. Hey, the strange thing is, you may not have been using curse words, but others who might not curse might think you were, so my opinion on that "To think it, is just as bad as to say it".
    Either way I've tried to cut that foul language out of my diet, sometime I ******* can't help it, excuse my *'s, I was hammering a nail into a new building while talking on this PC using the internet and hit my thumb.

    As for the swearing, Thanks for pointing that out, I need to add filtering of words on there.  I don't like typing the language but it can be fun, for example, when somebody type's something like "**** you" I can have it show up like "I love you!".

    I tell ya what, you join and I"ll create the forum of your choice and you can moderate it however you would like, with the exception of the bad language, I've got to have filters, dang how could I have forgotten that! They will be continual work in progress I'm sure.

    Thanks for ******* it out Strummy! BTW: Love the new CHB Tune!!! **** IT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Your playing is flawless and sounds great!!!!


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    Re:This is my Website, I'm finally done! Believe it or not. Thanks to all who have helped! 2011/01/29 20:32:26 (permalink)
    trimph1 - Thanks for checking it out. I'm done with the design, but sometime next week I'm going to add a new section, not sure of the title yet. The board changes every month with some of the .gif animations, some of them serve a purpose, like right now the icicles in the left hand corner of the Home page will change depending on the normal weather patterns in my area, and ofcourse the month will change, and other things. It's a bit tricky working on it because I have scenes I have to always consider how it effects other months. Thanks again

    Jonbouy - 
    Thanks Jonbouy, I've had some fun working on it that's for sure. I could have filled it up with content to be honest with you, but most of the free stuff when you add it wants you to add a redirection link in the script and I don't like that. The horoscope on the front page for example, if you click on a symbol it will show you a small menu with the horoscope, you then have the option to go to the site that's providing the information. Ofcourse there's always some web widgets that when you click on them will obviously send you somewhere else, but that's cool because that's what they are supposed to do depending on the content. I thought of adding a blog, but then I decided I didn't have much to say, although I am turning on the user blog feature for the forums, I think that would be cool for someone to add a biography and link to their favorite stuff etc... Thanks again.

    Middleman -
    Thanks Middleman, LOL, If I start a business it will be ruined now, how can I cut out the middleman with those kind comments and make any money now.   I'm running out of ideas, and free stuff to add. I'm going to revamp the gallery section soon and add some pictures of different things, those will change automatically every month, at least they are supposed to. It's been fun working on this stuff, very relaxing honestly. Thanks again.

    Bapu - *****
    Bapu, Don't be so ******* hard on Strummy, he's just a bit high strung, that's all. I'm just kidding. Hmmm, Perhaps I could start an area called "The imported Coffee House" in the forums, and have the ICHB in espanol for the forums? I'm just kidding, no offense meant.  Are you the famous "Mr Ed"? or the infamous "Mr Ed"? Just kidding. The crazy thoughts I have had to entertain myself and pass the time have given me clarity on one thing, I don't think I will ever forget it either, it was very important! VERY IMPORTANT! Life changing you might say, I wrote it down on toilet paper earlier to make sure it was safely backed up. OH ****, I just wish I could remember it because it was funny! Thanks again for checking out the site.


    post edited by RockingChair - 2011/01/29 20:57:47

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