'Mythos' metal/hardrock project

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2011/01/30 12:40:51 (permalink)

'Mythos' metal/hardrock project

Hi everyone im just posting on here to see what everyone thinks of my new project, so far ive only got 2 tracks. 
Theyre rough, but im working on some other tracks and lyrics for when i find a singer (or try myself) 
check them out and tell me what you think.  oh and the solo on the second seal is horrible i threw it in there improvised just to fill the space, but im working out a much bigger better solo.
please listen and tell me what you think!

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/01 16:56:34 (permalink)
    no one has listened to the songs?

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/01 17:48:32 (permalink)
    Hello Miguel, I listened to "Second seal". I like the melody and harmony in the "chorus". This is the strongest part of the tune and could be a nice vehicle to carry a good vocal hook. Eq could help differenciate the guitar tracks and give them a bit of individual identity. Mix could use a little meat on the bottom(kick and bass). Drum track is a little tentative and light in the mix.(Did you drop it out near the end on purpose?). Good, consistant guitar work. Overall the parts seem tight and interesting, making for a good starting point for this melodic metal diddy. I think a little attention to detail could produce a powerful tune here. I am looking forward to hearing it progress...........Ron

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/01 18:59:58 (permalink)
    thanks for listening.  in terms of eq, im still very new at this and working it out.  on the bottom end is also one of the hardest areas to get right as well. 
    it also doesnt help that im using the same guitar for all the tracks.  im gonna start using my brothers guitar to give it a more powerful sound. 
    the drums i always seem to have trouble with, i know the snare doesnt stand out enough nor the kick.  i have tried to carve holes in the eq for them and it helps a little, but im still experimenting.  and for some reason at the end the fade always goes quicker on the drums than the guitars which i find weird. 
    thanks for the tips and listening

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 05:00:29 (permalink)
    hi miguel, think i may have commented on your tunes before, i like the semi-technical approach to metal you have here.
     'second seal'  - nice intro, i like the drum programming though the sounds themselves needs to be a bit more powerful and upfront. at times it all sounds a little in danger of collapsing but you hang on there! mix is good otherwise, i can hear the bass and the guitars clearly.
    btw, you don't need a different guitar to get a different sound, just tweak the eq/amp model (however you're doing the recording), i try to get one guitar a little darker and fuzzier than the other.
    'fourth seal' - get yer steve harris out! nice bass intro. don't be afraid to slap a bit of compression/exciter on the bass to give it a bigger sound. great guitar intro when it comes in, a really strong metal riff there. drums are better in this one, i don't know what you are using, but again, assuming you are using a multi-audio out drum synth (eg ez drummer, addictive, superior, bfd, steven slate, session drummer 2/3) you can adjust the volume of each individual drum, as well as adding fx.
    yes, this song is excellent. clearly you need a singer to complete the tracks, but the guitar work is excellent.
    musically it reminds me of the USHM revival bands, such as Iced Earth, Twisted Tower Dire or Charred Walls of the Damned, the trick now is to find a vocalist who can sing that! great start on this epic dude.

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 11:41:24 (permalink)
    thanks for listening mgh.  I am re recording the songs now, trying to adjust the sounds to get them all to sound fuller.  i kept listening to second seal and got frustrated with the guitars, they sounded really thin and trebly... on top of there was one 'would be' solo that i didnt like at all so im redoing that as well.

    im glad someone likes my bass riffs! haha, its funny because steve harris and dave murray are my heroes. 

    im using session drummer 3 by the way, and they werent kidding when they said mixing drums is an art on its own.

    anyways im off to work on them some more along with the other 5 songs to complete the 7 song album

    thanks for listening everyone!


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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 11:55:23 (permalink)
    Listened to 2...dont at all mean to kick you in the nads here..but the timing seems a bit off to me..could be the rolls seems to come in at weird points in the tune?...I love the drive....i get the idea and can hear where your hearing...just cant get past the timing...could just be me tho...
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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 13:28:20 (permalink)
    Really good musical ideas here. I like the old school metal style. The harmonies are spot on, and the tracks build logically. Kind of reminds me of Starfox for the SNES. Does that date me?

    First thing I noticed-- the playing is a little loose. You clearly have the chops, it's just a matter of perfect tracking. For more technical music like this, you need to be right on top of the beat. Did you record the guitars before or after you programmed the drums? Sometimes I find that playing to a click is more beneficial than playing with the full drum beat. And don't be afraid to do multiple takes, or just sections of a song, and blend them later. It's better to have a mistake-free recording than the bragging rights that you did it all in one take.

    I'll preface the rest of my post with my intentions of supporting a more cohesive mix. You have the drum tracks, several guitar tracks, and the bass-- all kind of doing different things in the mix. Please take the following as constructive criticism.

    If I'm not mistaken, session drummer has pre-processed drum samples, so it should be fairly easy to mix them as a kit. The challenge will be matching the drums to fit with the feel of the track. That is what's lacking here.

    The kick is good as is. Good thump and presence.

    The snare is problematic. There's too much reverb, and for my taste, not enough attack of the hit. If you have a compressor on the track, try increasing the attack time so the hit will be more distinguishable. If you don't have compression on it, that's ok, it's not a deal-breaker. The reverb sounds too 80's though, and doesn't match the reverb of any other track in the mix, which is what gives the whole track a fake-drum vibe. The snare sound often makes or breaks a mix. If you like the rawness of the other tracks, you need to match the snare to that rawness. Also, is it just me, or is the snare panned to the left about 30%? Straight up the center is more traditional.

    Assuming you can play with the overheads, you need to add a roomy reverb to the OH tracks. When the (one?) cymbal crashes, it's completely isolated about 50% to the left. I need to hear some of that on the right channel as well. I think there are some "room emulator" plugins out there that can accomplish this, or a stereo-delay type plugin that will add a reverb-like delay trail on the other side of the stereo field. I used to program drums with Fruity Loops, and the stereo-delay type plugin was essential to giving a more authentic sound to the cymbals.

    The tone of the bass is a little weak compared to the kick drum. The kick is in-your-face thumpy, but the bass tone is rounded like Geddy Lee's. For this style, I prefer a deep, gritty bass tone that provides a power backing to the guitars, as opposed to a rounded one that plays along side the guitars. I'd like to hear some cuts between 500hz and 1khz, and some boosts between 5k-8k.

    The tone of the guitar is interesting. Very ballsy, but a bit muffled. I would usually never recommend doing this, but if you add another 5-7% drive (distortion) to your tone, I think it will sound MUCH heavier (as intended?). They need some clarity on the high end also. There's sweet spots for every tone, but somewhere between 5-8k, you can bring the guitar sound forward without it actually being louder.

    Keep it up and you'll figure it out. Mixing is always an uphill climb.
    post edited by mojque - 2011/02/04 13:32:21
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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 15:02:23 (permalink)
    I appreciate the tips.  I have tried recording to a clicktrack and it mess up more than with a drum track.  I learned to play with a drumme rso the drums actually help me to play better.

    The drum kit im using is the steven slate sizzle kit included in SD3.  Ill have to check the snare because i didnt add any reverb to the snare i dont believe.  the OH arent really overheads, since in SD3 all the instruments are seperate channels and theres no bleed.  I may just start using Superior Drummer 2.0 seeing as i have a copy of it.  (I know i shouldve probably used it before but it seemed really complicated to me.)

    But back to the snare i know what you mean.  I guess i just gotta keep on experimenting till i get it right. 

    Im still trying to get a nice sound out of GR4, i dont like the really heavy guitar stuff, more of a Hard crunch.  kinda like a 70s progressive type crunch.  the only thing that kills e is the lack of heaviness on the palm mutes, but im working it out still, or i may just try mic'ing a combo amp of sorts (raven rg20 is what i had in mind, but not sure).

    Are there any suggestiong s as to the bass guitar?  mgh suggested an exciter, i havent tried it yet.  but ive always complained that my bass sounds thin even through actual bass amps.  is there a way to get a full thick sound out of a thin sounding bass?

    again thanks for listening and thanks for the tips!  i really do appreciate the help!


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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 15:27:38 (permalink)
    Superior 2.0 is fantastic, but you're dealing with unprocessed samples, so you'll be entering a mixing world far more complex than you're used to. Definitely worth making the switch, just don't expect it to be easy.

    For your guitar tone delimma, you might try recording a third and fourth guitar track with a new tone that has more drive and more bass. Drop the volume on those new tracks 5 db, and pan them the same as your current guitar tracks. That might give the palm mutes some more beef. You could also use that same double-tracking technique with your current tone, but change the pickup switch on your guitar to the middle position. Drop those tracks a few db behind your main guitar tracks, and that will help.

    But a good bass tone is more integral in feeling those palm mutes than the guitar tone itself. Bass tone is highly tweakable, so it doesn't matter that your bass has a thin sound, you just have to do more to make it thick. There's some good bass rumble in the 90-100hz range, some good definition around 400hz, and some good presence freq's around 3k and 5k. Look between 500hz and 1k to make some cuts, or one big cut, to drop that rounded feeling of the tone. Put some moderate compression behind the EQ to even out the highs and the lows.
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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/04 15:34:53 (permalink)
    2nd Seal - The drums are a little tentative...EXCEPT at about 1:12...They seem to work there nicely.

    4th Seal - Drums seemed to fit better...The kick is a little loud for my taste.  Tends to take focus away from the guitar.

    The metal guitar sounds good to me.  Especially in the outro as it fades (From about 4:18 on).  I like the harmonies as it fades!

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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/14 12:55:31 (permalink)
    I just ordered a peavey windsor studio amp and an sm57 mic, along with abbey road modern drums... i liked the sound of it better than SD2.0 and its much simpler to use.

    I will posting up the songs again along with one or two new ones when theyre all re recorded and such.


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    Re:'Mythos' metal/hardrock project 2011/02/18 17:53:31 (permalink)
    i love maiden esche stuff... good work also i like how you were getting a little teckie in their it sounds nice... now.. take all the comments left to you and make it awsome..

    here are a few that may help..

    if you use a mic for the guitars... get that mic right up on that cab about 1 inch away from the speaker coneand move it around while recording (like on the face of a clock to find a sweet spot..mark it with a little peice of tape so you can come back anytime to it..

    if you use a processor.. make a patch thats sounds similar to what i just told you about a real mic situation//
    make it sound close and clear.
    some times less distortion will help clearity for recording..(you will double it anyway with another guitar on opposite channel anyway)

    and last but not least.. make every part a real human played part.
    that touych and feeling you can never get away from..

    this goes for the drums (try to play them on a keyboard at least while tracking)  it will almost fool whoever listens that they are real...

    for a start that should get you in the ball park...

    as for creativity: you got solid ideas... now develop them into a bigger work..expand and add vocals...and dont worry yull do fine

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