warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt

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2011/02/03 22:24:34 (permalink)

warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt

I will give this an attempt and I only can hope it turns out OK:
First, I know X1a has it's issues. Never said it doesn't. In fact, I have yet to see a post stating it is bug free. Not to be confused with post like "it works fine for me" That statement is not saying that at all.
Actually more issues than it should obviously. I say that because even though I do not experience them, I believe the serious forum-ites that post about them-and I know they are real.
Sorry, I do not even consider the crybabies and haters. On both sides.
It seems very clear to me that the tools you use and combinations their of, plus of course complexity have a large bearing on the stability of X1a. Or any DAw most likely.
OK I don't have the issues and here is a quick scenario of what I do:
30-40 midi stacks with 10 -12 softsynths and 10-15 audio tracks. Those are my most common projects. I do not use ASnap, V Vocal, the metronome, matrix, prv or step sequencer.
I usually lay down a basic drum beat using my keyboard controller and Steven slate drums or session drummer. Then I will mess with a bass line (or three) using the same keyboard controller with Scarbee basses or dim pro basses (now that they are in tune :-))
The song\project has already been sketched out on my acoustic or one of my strats before all this starts.
Then I'll try to add a keyboard part-very simplistic, I am no keyboard player.
Then in come many. many guitar tracks. I just keep building on it. Accoustics and electrics.
I strive to make my guitars overcome and enhance my simplistic piano\organ, etc  attempts.
Then when I am fairly satisfied I try some vocals, which also have been written already (well sketchy at this point).
All my creative work is done with my guitars and my voice and mind.
Anyway, that's what I do
Perhaps that is why I do not see the issues. I think it is.
as far as X1a, I have no problems except my lack of  "being familiar" with what's what and where. Hence, my 90% use of 853 until I learn and get familiar.
Now, someone like Mike M., if I may: obvious to me he does some pretty complex stuff-and he has issues. Super composer, has humongous complex projects also, as many others do.  
This has to be the reason for some of us doing OK and others not doing OK.
We all bought the same program over the years. we like the same program for the most part.
Well, most of us still do I believe. I do.
So let's all work together instead of against each other. I have posted what I do and my meager workflow and I have no major issues.
So how about some others? On both sides of the fence and perhaps without the emotion.
Some say they do not believe that I and some others do not have these issues. That's just plain silly. For myself, check my posts back when Dim Pro was really in the spotlight for the out of tune instruments. At that time I didn't even have kontakt 4 (which I do now) I was livid and just really mad that they would push the product (selling new packs for something that was so out of whack. And I really let it be known how I felt. Big time. So I am no fan boy, I just look for the truth and sincerity. If I see post I feel is just antagonistic or hate filled I will post and oppose and state my views as best I can.  Yes, I know I have a temper.
Also, I am sorry but I must state that a few posts have said 1 track and one softsynth and freezes and crashes. well, I do not see how that's possible unless it's a hardware issue-which could be drivers like the lynx known driver issues at the start, or something like that.
But in general? Come on-let's be fair. what am I , just lucky with 40 tracks?
I still have faith that sanity will be restored and I would like to say I am sorry for any transgressions that I may have started or contributed to that hurt anyone.
This forum is my home away from home-I learn so much here-No books or videos could ever have given me all the knowledge I have learned on the Cakewalk forums.
I have been lurking since CWPA6 or whenever the forum came to be.
post edited by stratman70 - 2011/02/03 23:20:18


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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/03 22:37:08 (permalink)
    Great post Frank.

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/03 23:00:49 (permalink)
    Well, I only installed X1 the other night, hardly had time to play with it really.

    So far it seems to be working very well.

    I've opened a couple of recent projects, and created one new from scratch.

    I had a couple of those "What the" moments as my brain adjusted and I read the
    PDF manual and help to find my way.  I found it surprisingly easy to get my bearings
    and get on with some work.

    When I say "surprisingly easy", that's mainly because after reading of all the supposed
    features that have been removed and things not working, I was expecting it to be more
    difficult than it turned out.

    I seems many of the complaints I see here are simply because people don't take the
    few minutes or hours to read the manual or help.  Hmm, I think some of the complaints
    were about the lack of manual and help, but they appear fine to me.

    The projects I had a play with use up to 100 tracks, lots of VST, lots or automation.

    One thing that often crosses my mind when I read about the problems some people
    experience - (and I don't doubt that these problems are real at all) is whether they could be
    due to a corrupted download.

    I have experienced so many strange issues over the years due to obscure 'undetected' corruptions
    from a download or copy.

    It may be useful if Cake provided a checksum like an MD5 so people can check/verify
    that their downloads are definitely not corrupted.

    I've only installed the 64bit version, and from the DVD.
    I ran that first to make sure everything looked OK before installing the X1a update.

    I'll report back when I've had a bit more time to put some strain on the system and use
    some more features.

    So far I'm a happy camper :-)

    Cheers - Cliff

    i7-950 24 GB, GTX 580, W7/64 Ultimate, Sonar Platinum, Alesis MasterControl, KRK Rokit RP8g2s
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/03 23:04:41 (permalink)
    I fear this will degenerate............

    My Sonar path was V2->V5->V7->V8.3->X1 via 8.5
    An average project for me will be around a dozen or so MIDI tracks with 2 or 3 soft synths - sometimes more. I mainly use my Sonic Cell for a lot of synth/simulated sound.

    Then there's around 15 - 30 audio tracks. Most of those tracks will be multi layered with up to 15 or so layers. I use V-Vocal quite a lot, tried to use Audiosnap in 8.3 and gave up, not re-visited it since.

    I'm a serious hobbyist BTW for all those of you that think that's some sort of reflection on ability and technical know how.....

    My findings?

    I find it stable. I've had one crash that happened when I was investigating the buss envelope cut & paste bug with ba_midi in a thread on here. Other than that it's not crashed or hung. I can't compare that to 8.5 'cos I only used it in passing when I took the 'buy 8.5 get X1 for free' but I also found 8.3 stable. The only instability I've ever had with Sonar was in V7 (IIRC) when I had lots of issues with Alesis drivers.

    I've found several bugs, some just annoying with easy-ish work rounds, others a real PITA that I'd rather not have to try an avoid. All of the bugs I've found I've reported via the problem reporter and had replies on all of them (eventually)......

    Biggest PITA bug for me is disappearing MIDI data in the PRV. I have to click the scroll bar to get it to reappear, sometimes everytime I switch to that view. Sometimes it never happens, A very bizzarre bug.

    Also found my first ever problem with V-Vocal. It flatlines and mutes its output if I open a project with it in while there's already another project open, even the basic template making the "Only one project at a time" bug a RPITA for me.

    I think the biggest 'problem' is the change in working method. I personally like the 'new' set up and my work flow has definitely speeded up. I've been mainly finishing up and editing existing projects but over the last couple of days I've started a new one from the ground up. So far I've found the Smart tool for MIDI editing absolutely great. Combined with jumping views via screensets and it really has been a timesaver.

    To sum up. So far so good but many of the bugs should never have got past Beta without being noticed and the long-standing bugs really need sorting too.

    I'm looking forward to X1b and the bug fixes. I'll have more to say after that arrives.........
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 03:40:27 (permalink)
    Well - this is exactly what I am experiencing too. Like the users above describing it is entirely possible to work with X1 and not encounter any showstopper or serious problem. I think it has a lot to do with what parts of the program you use on a daily base. I also think some people having problems when something is not working as expected (different than the "older" versions) and they are under time pressure. I that case it is better to use a "known" program (like 8.5), until you can use X1 without using the manual. I usually take some months to get really familiar with a program, before I am going to use it in a critical or time-pressure situation.

    Apart from the known bugs (the majority  of them don't "bite" me), I myself did also not encounter a lot of problems. There where some niggles (like Yellow Tools Independence Free has some problems in combination with other VST's), but in overall it is a good experience.

    Sure - like all new software, that has undergone a design change also, there are some problems with X1 (example: even the brand new Cubase 6 has some serious time-stretching problems that have to be solved with a upcoming patch - and that one did not even had a major design change). I am confident however the X1b patch will solve a lot of the named bugs.

    I do not want to ridicule the problems other people have. I think for them they are serious, but at this moment I am just a happy X1 user - nothing more, nothing less.
    post edited by JClosed - 2011/02/04 03:42:16
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 03:55:46 (permalink)
    I say that because even though I do not experience them

    Then honestly you aren't using Sonar X1.
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 04:01:05 (permalink)

    I say that because even though I do not experience them

    Then honestly you aren't using Sonar X1.

    Yep - shoot the messenger and try to ridicule him. Nice job...
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 04:12:20 (permalink)

    As I've told you before Frank, my projects are a lot like yours except possibly a few less synths. I'll typically have Session Drummer, a few instances of Dim Pro, maybe some True Piano or (when I was using 32 bit) NI's B-4. Then audio tracks of guitars, bass, and vocals although I'll sometimes use Dim Pro for the bass depending on the project. Most of my projects are in the 30 to 35 track range.

    I usually get the basic arrangement down with just a scratch guitar track played to the metronome. Then I'll add the drums, then my bass part, then rhythm guitar parts, piano, organ, etc. Then any solos and vocals last. And I'm one of those heretics that likes to "mix as I go" just trying to get a basic mix although frequently I'll end up starting the mix from scratch when all tracking is done.

    One of the great things about X1 for me is that for some reason I find using track layers a lot easier which makes my tracking and mixing easier. In the past if I didn't like a take I would just scrap it and do the whole thing over. Using layers I can pick and choose from different parts of different takes. Of course this has been available in SONAR for a long time but like I said it just seems easier to use in X1.

    I started using SONAR with version 4 and have upgraded every year since. It seems I had a really bad time with either 6 or 7, I don't remember which now, but whichever one it was it just never worked quite right for me, always had a lot of crashes and strange behavior. And I believe I had some issues when 8 first came out, too, but the patches fixed those just fine. And 8.5 was always rock solid.

    The only issues I've had with X1 were some crashes I had when loading old projects in which I had to replace all the plug ins with their 64 bit equivalents. For some reason this causes the program to want to hang on saving and causes the occassional crash. With current projects I've had no issues at all.

    Nice thread Frank, and here's hoping we all get things smoothed out to our satisfaction!

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 09:05:07 (permalink)

    I say that because even though I do not experience them

    Then honestly you aren't using Sonar X1.

    Wow this is low...

    And not cool...

    And just silly!

    (Sonar Platinum - Win10 x64) - iMac and 13" MacBook - Logic Pro X ++ - UA Apollo Twin DUO - NI Maschine MKII - NI Komplete Kontrol S61 - Novation Nocturne - KRK Rokit 6
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    Bob G.
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 09:56:27 (permalink)
    Nice post Frank. I’ve wanted to share my (mostly positive) experience with X1 because originally, I was apprehensive to upgrade after reading so much negativity on the forum.  So I hope this thread will help others coming here looking for advice on whether to upgrade or not.
    Besides using X1 to compose and record my own music, I rely on Sonar exclusively at my commercial home-based recording studio. X1 has seen anywhere between 2 - 10 hours of use daily since I installed it on Dec 18th. In that time I have yet to have a single crash. It’s running on an ADK computer which has an Intel Core i7 920 with 3GB RAM and 32-bit Windows XP.

    Typical sessions run 15 to 30 tracks of MIDI and/or 20 to 40 tracks of audio. Don’t use V-Vocal, Audio Snap, PRV, or ProChannel but do utilize tons of virtual instruments: Omnisphere, Trillian, Komplete 7, Superior Drummer…and for effects: UAD, SoundToys, Izotope, Antares, and Slate Digital.

    I can’t say that I haven’t experienced any glitches with X1, but these have been minor annoyances and definitely not show-stoppers. When I open a project, anything that was in the MultiDock is now floating on top of the track view and needs to be dragged back to the dock…and one time the space bar stopped acting as the start/stop function, but a quick reboot solved that issue.

    Other than the learning curve to find where some vital features have been tucked away, my experience with X1 has been positive. Maybe I’m crazy, but I love the new color scheme!! (the old color scheme reminds me of Willy Wonka when I see it now) The Inspector isn’t completely intuitive to me yet but the Smart Tool and Browser are nice improvements to my workflow. As soon as I get a break from working on client projects, I’d like to start familiarizing myself with the Screensets feature.

    I understand that those with serious crashing issues are frustrated and I feel for them. I certainly had my share of issues prior to purchasing a purpose-built music PC. (not to say that is the answer to everyone’s problems…just based on my own observation) So far, X1 has been incredibly stable here and I stake my studios reputation on it day-in and day-out. It’s working so well in fact, I haven’t felt the need to install the X1a update yet.
    post edited by Bob G. - 2011/02/04 13:44:20
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 10:13:58 (permalink)
    Frank, I tend to use 10 to 12 audio tracks and 12 or more MIDI tracks in my projects.  I do use V-Vocal and PRV quite a bit and have no problems with them.  I've only used Audio Snap a few times, but it caused no grief.  I was crashing quite a bit with both 8.5.3 and X1 until I updated the driver for my
    RME FF 400 a few weeks ago, and I haven't crashed once since then.  I've completed 3 new projects since the crashing ended, and, now, I have pretty much gotten used to the new workflow of X1.  All in all, some things are faster, some slower, but in the end it's pretty even with past versions of Sonar.  I'm still looking forward to X1b to see what they fix and bring back from prior versions, but for the time being, I relatively happy.

    All the best,

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 10:19:29 (permalink)
    Usually I'm the one posting  that I don't have any problems. That's been the case since SONAR 3 which is where I picked up the SONAR range after having gone from Cakewalk 3 to 8.

    "X1" was poor "X1a" was not even usable as I couldn't engage the transport or Audio Engine. The hotfix brought my system to the present level of use which is still an absolute disaster.
    I very rarely get to even close the program  before I get a screen freeze, crash or some other glitch like the audio engine dropping out and unable to restart it without restarting SONAR. I dont want to get into any slinging matches with anyone but i don't even get to see what it could do under modest load. even in playing back a project that works flawlessly in SONAR 8.5 wont run without dropouts in X1a Hotfix.
    Yet on the same system using whatever driver I choose I can run projects with scores of tracks 100+ in SONAR 8.5 or 8.3.

    I've done all the trouble shooting for some 6 weeks from the programs launch amd i'm now busy working with 8.5 and other DAWs eagerly awaiting X1b. If that doesn't sort my issues out; well?

    just trying to give a balanced view. Just because it's working for you please don't presume that it must be a problem with my system or user error or some other such thing like not using SONAR to the full. I do it all from hardware control through MIDI , sofsynths, audio recording and editing, provide live fx for monitoring by talent, using loops , samples, complex arrangements, live recording & mixing through SONAR. There is definitely something about SONAR X1a hotfix on my system that doesn't work.

    Let's just say we went back 1 version and compared my use of S8.5.3 against someone elses setup. We'd be saying that our systems are running fine because SONAR runs flawlessly (apart from the known bugs of course) Yet go to X1 then X1a then X1a hotfix and that is no longer the case. My PC far exceeds the basic specs.

    Anyways not dissing SONAR - just patiently waiting for X1b while I get on with business. I'm glad that many are not have major problems. You have to understand that if we were all in the same boat I would feel even more dejected by the current state of affairs than I am. If that were really the case I wouldn't have much faith in X1b providing a fix for most things that currently stop X1a from working for me.

    Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 10:50:16 (permalink)
    @mudgel...your post is a good reminder that others are not having as much luck with X1 as others...
    Will await your results when X1b shows up...

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 11:08:01 (permalink)

    Then honestly you aren't using Sonar X1.

    It's exactly this kind of dumb nut posts that has kept me away from this forum after my start with X1 and a few weeks of Cakewalk Forum experience.

    I have no problems with critical and even heavily critical views, as long as they are justified and people stay with their own experience, instead of starting ugly efforts of patronizing. I also know that X1 needs bug fixing and problems don't just arise from user configurations or bad drivers.

    I DO have big problems with a certain kind of users, not rare in this board, who seem dumb enough to think that they can tell others, to which degree they are allowed to run X1 without big problems, and from what point onward they must either be regarded as noobs hardly scratching the surface or even just looking at the screen, as another totally idiotic post claimed, or warez users or whatever some morons in this forum think they can call others by pure insinuating.

    Else simply +1 concerning the OPs balanced view, confirmed by others in this thread.

    post edited by jimknopf - 2011/02/04 13:38:34
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 13:37:06 (permalink)
    +1 to the OP's post.  This is pretty much my experience and workflow as well.  I had to adjust some buffers but I can get stuff done.  Still getting used to the new UI but am very happy with the pro channel.  Don't use V-Vocal as I own Melodyne so not bit by that.  I hope the ones here having problems (Mudgel et al) get them solved with the new X1b.  I'm looking forward to that as well. 

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 14:43:17 (permalink)

    I will give this an attempt and I only can hope it turns out OK:
    First, I know X1a has it's issues. Never said it doesn't. In fact, I have yet to see a post stating it is bug free. Not to be confused with post like "it works fine for me" That statement is not saying that at all.

    Unless I'm reading this wrong, I do believe you have stated it doesn't have problems. Plus, you stated CW will fix any problems for free which we all know is absolutely not true. They fix some things, but I've never seen any version get fixed to where it works as advertised. I've always had to pay to upgrade and hope things got fixed in the upgrade, which they never have. After reading this thread, I see where you are coming from now and I wish you (and some others) would be more clear. I think it would put a stop to a lot of the back and forth if all of us were a little more clear on what they mean.
    OK I don't have the issues and here is a quick scenario of what I do:
    30-40 midi stacks with 10 -12 softsynths and 10-15 audio tracks. Those are my most common projects. I do not use ASnap, V Vocal, the metronome, matrix, prv or step sequencer.

    It seems you only use Sonar in it's most basic form. Most of the things you mention that you don't use, are the things that are broken that the rest of us do you. When you make a blanket statement like, "works for me", you really should say, "but I only use 1/4 of the program" along with that.
    All my creative work is done with my guitars and my voice and mind.
    Perhaps that is why I do not see the issues. I think it is.

    That's how I do it too.
    This has to be the reason for some of us doing OK and others not doing OK.

    The reason is, you don't use 3/4 of the program.
    So let's all work together instead of against each other. I have posted what I do and my meager workflow and I have no major issues.

    Again, the reason is, you don't use 3/4 of the program.

    Some say they do not believe that I and some others do not have these issues.

    That's because you make blanket statements saying X1 works fine for you without explaining (like you have in this thread) that you don't use 3/4 of the program. Now I understand where you are coming from and I get it.

    I do have to say some of the problems I'm having I attribute to my audio card. This M-Audio Fast Track Ultra isn't the most stable product on the market, but it met my needs at a fair price at the time I bought it, and worked flawlessly in a 32bit environment. 64bit, not so well. It's very frustrating when your in a position to where the problems you are having could be coming from hardware or software and there's no options to try out to troubleshoot.

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 14:52:15 (permalink)

    if you are uncertain of your card's driver quality, you could perhaps borrow other cards from friends to get that checked (especially easy with outboard cards). I have done that sometimes to narrow down sources of trouble, and sometimes really identified hardware/driver problems this way.

    The only other way probably is waiting for 1Xb.

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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 17:05:51 (permalink)


    if you are uncertain of your card's driver quality, you could perhaps borrow other cards from friends to get that checked (especially easy with outboard cards). I have done that sometimes to narrow down sources of trouble, and sometimes really identified hardware/driver problems this way.

    The only other way probably is waiting for 1Xb.
    I don't know anyone who is in to recording the way I am. Actually, I don't know anyone at all where I currently live. Always been too busy with work to get to know anyone or have friends, which is another reason why it's so hard to find a job now that I got laid off. You pretty much have to know somebody to get hired anymore and I don't know anyone here in IA.

    I was thinking of going down to Guitar Center and picking up a different brand of sound card and see if it makes any difference. They have a 30 day no questions asked return policy. I kind of feel bad for using them like that though, especially since those guys work on commission.

    I'm patiently waiting for X1b. I'm sure a lot of things will be fixed, probably some we're not even aware of. :)

    "I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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    Re:warning:Very long thread-One mans attempt 2011/02/04 17:15:49 (permalink)
    I just gave my Tascam USB interface to one of my sons, who had few but strange issues with an MAudio Fast Track Ultra as well (some Cubase problems before, then extremely slow windows in X1) and is doing significantly better now.

    So let's hope X1b still comes in February.
    And I wish you to meet some nice people and musicians wherever you live!
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