Re:sequencing classic rock drums?
2011/02/09 17:04:57
There is another tack here, but it would mean purchasing Jamstix.
I have never used this feature of Jamstix 3, but it is capable of taking any midi groove and then replaying it with a Bonham or Moon style player.
Unless you have played with it, it is hard to describe. It has a free demo that you can play with and there is a video tutorial on the site on how you can import a midi groove and "bonhamize" it "Moonificate" it.
Note - the drummer styles do not use the real artists names, but it is not hard to figure out.
Once you figure it out it is very easy to use. Check the videos out at the link below. JR
HP DV6T - 2670QM, 8 GB RAM,
Sonar Platypus, Octa Capture, BFD2 & Jamstix3, Komplete 10 and Komplete Kontrol
Win 10 64
SLS PS8R Monitors and KRK Ergo