just opened my new mbox pro
anyone have any tips or tricks to share? I'm gonna be fiddle'in all afternoon i'm sure.
has anyone used the mboxpro firewire w/ X1 ?
and most importantly..
I just saved my current project and can't afford to loose it. (not a home project)
I have heard X1 and PT don't agree on the same machine. Is there anything to that or am I safe to try installing PT 8le on the same machine as X1?
Phenom Quad core, 8gb ram, 3.5tb of Fine Music Storage Vault Under Armed Guard w/ UAV support (air-hog chopper), set of MA-15D, Delta 10-10 pci w/interface, m-box 3 pro, projectmix I/O, Metal Pop Filters, Two SKB cases Full of Suck Removal Buttons, Cedar Walls, Stripper Pole (helps with mastering & block priceing) more stuff i'm to lazy to add. ;)
P.S. good Memory foam is freakin awesome.