MIDI controller and Rewire question

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2011/02/14 11:03:48 (permalink)

MIDI controller and Rewire question

First and foremost I want to thank everything that contributes to this forum.  Your advice has been invaluable and I wanted to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you.  You are appreciated.
On to my issue...
I am a 10 month newbie. (sounds of forum groans fill the air)  I am currently using Sonar X1 and I have more of a question than an issue.  What I am doing is using Reason 5 (Dr. OctoRex) and rewiring it thru Sonar.  No issues there.
I am using a few of their drum loops that sounds great and I want to incorporate them in my recordings.
I am using KONTAKT 4 with a piano vst and when I end up playing lower notes (Around the C1 range on the MIDI keyboard) I am changing the drum loop sequence.
In plain english.  I am playing a drum loop in Reason 5 through Sonar X1.  When playing a keyboard track WITH THE DRUMS PLAYING in Reason, when I hit lower notes on the keyboard, I change the drum sequence in Reason at the same time.
My question is how on earth do I prevent this?  Do I need to record MIDI drum loops separately THEN lay down the keybaord tracks?
I didn't know if there was a way to turn off the ability to use the keyboard at Reason drums at the same time. 
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi....You're my only hope.
Thanks in advance!  I really appreciate your time.
(Memphis, TN)

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    Re:MIDI controller and Rewire question 2011/02/14 11:55:00 (permalink)
    I don't have Reason, but it sounds like reason is mapped to those MIDI keybindings to change the loops whenever those MIDI notes are sent.

    are you triggering the initial loops using the keyboard?  if not, change the MIDI INPUT for the Reason MIDI track to something that you keyboard is not transmitting.  for example, if your keyboard is only transmitting channel 1 (which a lot of them do by default) then change your input for the reason MIDI track to channel 2 input.  then it won't use the inputs from the keyboard to change the loops.

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    Re:MIDI controller and Rewire question 2011/02/14 11:59:31 (permalink)

    Thank you so much.  I am sure the MIDI keyboard IS triggering the drum loops in Reason.  I never thought of changing the MIDI input of the Dr. OctoRex track.  GREAT suggestion.

    I will try this when I get home today and I will happily reply with my findings.

    Thanks again for your suggestion! 

    post edited by WillyWonka71 - 2011/02/14 12:08:41
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    Re:MIDI controller and Rewire question 2011/02/14 14:44:52 (permalink)
    Yes what Reece says is what you need to do.

    Reason will just receive midi from Rewire and route it to whatever device it's being sent to, in your case DrRex, so you need to be specific what midi input from your keyboard is being transmitted to Reason.

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