I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno?

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2011/02/27 00:26:01 (permalink)

I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno?

  I am really confused as to why my OWN music sounds as it does to me sometimes.

I'm sure some of you techno people can explain why, but I wanna know in simple terms if you can answer.

What I am getting at is that I can mix down a song over and over and it sounds right on, BUT, a few weeks later it sounds too slow to me, BUT, strangely enough after not hearing that tune for a while it sounds right on TEMPO.

What's going on here?  I mean if I create a tune and the tempo is right and I finish it all should be well right?

But if I listen to it a short while after it sounds off or TOOOOOO SLOW Mainly is what I'm getting at.

But then I listen to that same tune and then it's right on???????

 Is this one of those things where when you get glued in on playing fast tunes and then listen to one of your slower tunes your mind just say's your slower tunes stink or what?

I'm just asking, there's too much to ponder here for me to post so please ponder and perhaps explain on?????????????

Which makes me wonder about reviews if that were the case also. Hmmmm...... Something to think about either way.


post edited by RockingChair - 2011/02/27 00:30:02


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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 05:32:36 (permalink)
    You're not alone.  I do find the same thing.  After intensive work on a song - the next day when I listen sometimes it seems slower.  Same with fast guitar licks.  It's seemed pretty fast when I first recorded it, and the next day it seems slow.  Then, as time goes on, everything seems fine.  There must be some psychological activity going on.  My theory on that is when you are working on the song, you are so close to it, you know all the parts in great detail, maybe still in short term memory, that you are able to analyze or process it faster than normal, so it seems slow.  As the short term memory fades you start to process it normally -and everything is ok - OR - some things now seem too fast.  Because I was caught up in the "too slow" thing, I may have went overkill on some drum fills and now it is cluttered. That's my working theory anyway.
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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 07:11:54 (permalink)
    Yea, I get that a lot.  Geno's theory sounds good. I find that if I'm working on a tune, it is more often than not that is the only song I will hear during an extended time. So, maybe there really is no fast or slow during that time, it just IS what it is with no reference to anything else. Not until you/I step out of the cacoon and hear other things does it start to become part of everything else.

    woah, that was deep. sorry:)

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 09:21:34 (permalink)
    +1 Timidi and Geno,

    Such an excellent topic, IMHO!  (I wish this were sticky)

    I've heard such inconsistencies in my music and everyone elses.  You/I are expected to produce phenomenal success ... perhaps, simply, because its happened before.

    Other complications (of mine):
    One day vs the next
    One night vs the next
    A mood, mind alteration, caffeine
    Listening too much or not enough
    Comparing self to others
    Pleasing self vs others
    Genre swapping
    Collab troubles
    Mixing speakers
    Mixing volumes
    Ear fatigue
    Bad reviews ... good reviews
    Spiritual vs. sensual
    No song is great 100% of the time everyday/night
    Etc. etc.

    (this is all probably just the tip of the pondering ice-burg)

    Yesterday I listened to one song here (not just mine) I loved to death ... then hated to the uttermost on second listen (an hour later ... noting extreme cliche-b.s. going on and/or errors in mixing!)

    What gives with that anyway? 

    I'm hopefully not trusting my feelings, inspirations, paradigms, etc. 100%.  Opinions change like the wind.

    The fact that you posted this leads me to suspect (90% confidence):

    That next song you give birth to will be a champion-of-champions.

    (Isa 5:12 And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD)

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 11:37:27 (permalink)

           I guess this kinda opens a can of worms so to speak. But the thing is it happens if you take the time to notice it.

     What got me to thinking about this was because I was posting some of my older stuff that I have recorded and when I first heard it it sounded too slow, that made me think that I probably should speed it up using sony's sound forge, but after trying that even though it worked with the speedup thing, I listened to it the next day before posting and it didn't sound any better, speeded up or not. So what I have posted is what I played musically on my guitar and bass.

    This kinda makes ya wonder about opinions and reviews though, I mean if a person listens to nothing but speed metal then their review of your tune is going to be heard in a different way from what you are hearing it, or that is BRAIN SPEED.  Perceived maybe?

    Make a joke of this all you want, but this is not about "MY MUSIC", or "JOE WHOEVER'S MUSIC".

    This is about : "YOUR MUSIC".

    Sometimes I can hear commercial music and it sounds too slow, but a day or so later it's right on tempo.

    I'm just wondering if this is a tempo thing, or a hearing thing? Tempo meaning life groove  or just going with the flow.

    LOL, crazy isn't it.

    I'm just pondering and weighing my thoughts, set me straight on the subject please because this subject can really make you think.

    Take care,


    post edited by RockingChair - 2011/02/27 11:39:50

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 12:41:55 (permalink)
    Bobby - I guess your right.  I think this phenomenon has carried over other music too - because I have listen to other tunes of mine and thought - wow that is lame too.  But I think it is spawned by our own very intensive studio work where we are listening to a much higher degree than the average listener who is simply enjoying the music.  If I am correct then the casual heavy metal listener wouldn't have that kind of distorted perception.  However I could be wrong on that.
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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 13:17:26 (permalink)
    Perception and inspiration.... in varying degrees. We all get it.

    I record what seems like a brilliant idea.... I JUST LOVE IT! I'm convinced this is THE breakout song for me. Then, early next morning I fire up the DAW, and load the project and click play....... WAIT! What is this mess? Did I write this? What was I thinking? NO...... delete this mess quick so no one else hears it...this is embarrassing.

    Ever been there? I have. I think that's what's happening... perhaps to a lesser degree. Since to you, it's a tempo issue.

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 18:08:04 (permalink)
    I certainly do hear music differently from one day to the next.  Often something I was working on yesterday that I thought sounded terrific now sounds muddy and messy today.  I have never experienced the tempo sounding wrong though.

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 18:36:16 (permalink)

     Thank you to all the replies and thoughts. I really mean THANK YOU because it is all about learning and nobody, I mean NOBODY is above it, I don't care if they've wiped their behind wherever. We are all the same.

    This might be my best post ever for informational purposes.

    But still it doesn't explain why when I hear a song it sounds right on tempo one day, then after hearing it a few days later it sounds slow?

    I guess life has a tempo to it? I dunno, all who have replied seem to get it, it's an interesting thought. And if you producing music then it's something else to think about.


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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 18:49:59 (permalink)

    Perception and inspiration.... in varying degrees. We all get it.

    I record what seems like a brilliant idea.... I JUST LOVE IT! I'm convinced this is THE breakout song for me. Then, early next morning I fire up the DAW, and load the project and click play....... WAIT! What is this mess? Did I write this? What was I thinking? NO...... delete this mess quick so no one else hears it...this is embarrassing.

    Ever been there? I have. I think that's what's happening... perhaps to a lesser degree. Since to you, it's a tempo issue.

    Been there, done that.  I wonder if it isn't a hearing issue? That's the main thing I'm thinking about.

    I have never been to see a hearing specialist, as I am sure most of you out there haven't either. You should. I should.

    Oh well, the "TEMPO OF LIFE" kinda defines what we hear sometimes I guess. Not to mention that's a cool band name, I got dibs on it NOW! "THE TEMPO OF LIFE!" That one is mine!  But then again, I'm Serious Noize! and it all sounds like a mess I guess. So I'll stick with my name for now.

    Speed it up Herb, or slow it down Herb,  I guess the bottom line is ::::::::::::: Herb, BE HERB and  I like your music and others, play your sounds and go for it, mistakes and all <------ Just thought I'd throw that mistake in there incase they listen to my music, anyway, I guess what it boils down to is  play and let it all fall where it may land.

    Kinda like a gambling game, but it is what it is.  I sure wish I would win sometimes though, It get's tiring rolling the dice all the time, and then wondering why you failed with your sounds. Lot's to think about isn't it. Freaking internet caused me to become a better player than I ever thought I would be. Well, I honestly was better in the late 80's, but that's another story. ROCK ON WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 19:09:21 (permalink)
    I do feel that back when I was recording to tape, I didn't have these types of anomolies. It sounded the same day after day. But then, that was a long time ago so it's hard to be certain.

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/02/27 20:58:18 (permalink)
    For me I think while I'm working intensely on a project, my ears are tuned to focus in on each detail, as is necessary to analyze and correct a mix properly. However, at this point in the process I can no longer hear the whole of the song. Eventually, days later I can again hear the whole, but in between times there can be a confusing unbalance between groups of sounds and individual ones where nothing seems quite right. I think time, tempo and pitch are all things we recall better than we give ourselves credit for, but somehow the prolonged and intense analytical process removes us from broader essential concepts like the feel of a tune. It's often days later that I find I can do something as simple as delaying the bass track a few miliseconds and find the perfect pocket, whereas days earlier I couldn't hear the difference.
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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/03/01 17:38:27 (permalink)
    Paralysis by analysis is another term for this. Over the years I've gotten to where after tracking, I do a quick rough level mix and then leave the damn thing alone for at least a week. I don't even take a short listen. I might make a few notes on paper of things I've thought of, but other than that, nothing.

    Then come back with fresh ears and open mind. For me, this makes the mixing process more productive and creative. For awhile I'd gotten into tracking, mixing and mastering in one long week long session. It took nearly all the fun and enjoyement out of all of it for me, to the point I found myself reluctant to record any basic tracks for fear it would turn into another one of those obsessive grinds.



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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/03/02 07:52:29 (permalink)
    I've certainly had occasions, usually after an intense tracking session, when a track sounded faster than it should. The next day it sounds OK again.

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/03/02 08:21:39 (permalink)
    On the "right tempo" issue for the song......it's critical to select the right tempo for the song.

    Because the right tempo will help to "make" a song and the wrong tempo will ruin it, I always try to take care to find that perfect tempo before I start recording.

    I can't count the number of times where I have been to a live performance and a song is played and it's either faster or slower then the original. the faster version sounds rushed and the slower one drags.

    That could be perception since we know the song and are comfortable with it at it's original speed. Each song has a tempo that suits it best. A slight variation is OK but change it drastically and the whole song is changed.

    Anyone who has ever played in a band knows this is true. How many times has your band started a song too fast or too slow, to the point that you have to adjust the tempo in the song because it's not sounding right?

    So, before I start to track a song I will experiment with different tempos. Normally though, even during the writing stages the song itself is telling me how fast it wants to be played. So by the time I hit the tracking stage in the song writing process the tempo is set for that song.

    Doing what Randy and others have mentioned....leaving a song set for a few days to a week, is a very good way to clear the clutter. Come back and listen with fresh ears. If it still sounds right, good, you're on the right track, if not, make the changes.

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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/03/02 10:27:37 (permalink)
    I guess I can add one more thing. I agree that time away is a huge help. If I'm listening to someone else's mix or one of my own (after a sufficiently long time away from listening to it), I try to do it with a finger on the pause button and a note pad close by. My belief is this: You only get one chance to hear something for the first time. You will notice things on the first listening that will seem normal to you later as you listen again and again. Similarly, things that might be driving you nuts in a mix after repeated listenings, may not be so noticable in the perspective of the casual listener. I pause the song as needed to take notes. Later I go back with these notes in mind and fix only the things that seemed important on that first listening. It's probably a good idea to listen to a few well-mixed examples before listening to the mix under consideration, but keep in mind that listening to a well mastered pro-mix, isn't really comparable to the semi-finished state that your own project is in.
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    Re:I am confused as to why my own music sounds this way sometimes? Any Idea's? I dunno? 2011/03/07 18:15:39 (permalink)
    I haven't really run into the tempo thing as much but I know after a long session when I think the mix is pretty decent if I go back days later, it often sounds like garbage to me.  I'll dump everything & start the mix over with freah ears, bring up just the kit, then bass, then guitars & vocals.  Then once the levels are more balanced, I start re-EQing everything.  I do have on cover song we recorded (Eve 6's Song  inside out) that I matched a metronome to the original & then sarted tracking it & I'll be damned if it doesn't sound way slower to me?   It drives me nuts!   I think the drummer set a bit to far back in the pocket & didn't push the song like the drum track should.  (Sorry that's a bit off topic). 

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