Re:Save song as bundle (or CWP) in Sonar 8 with Guitar Rig 3
2011/03/07 20:57:36
you do NOT save as a bundle to send to him. if you're sending to him for mastering you EXPORT as a wave file. when you export as a wave file then sonar will print the guitar rig FX into the export so there's no need for you to have to worry about processing the files with GR effects.
check with him for the details on what he wants from the wave file. most mastering houses want at least 6dB or more of headroom on the wave export. if you have recorded/mixed in 24bit they will also want it exported in 24bit (typically).
so, just FILE>EXPORT and export as a 24bit wave file at 44.1kHz sampling rate. that's what he needs.