Missing .WAV resources

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March 17, 11 12:22 AM (permalink)

Missing .WAV resources

I get this when loading up MC on Win7x64U. Any ideas?


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    Re:Missing .WAV resources March 17, 11 3:07 PM (permalink)
    It is scanning the VST's and it didn't find that particular sample from the way it looks.

    Next question for you..... or perhaps an observation. Are you running MC5 in the 32 bit emulation mode in W7? I don't believe that MC5 will run in 64 bit mode..... it will run on W7 but in 32 bit mode only.

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    Re:Missing .WAV resources March 17, 11 3:40 PM (permalink)
    Works fine as a 32bit app on x64. MC5 is complaining about  missing resource files in soundcenter I think. Latest version installed ..
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    Re:Missing .WAV resources March 17, 11 3:53 PM (permalink)
    From the Cakewalk FAQ:
    "What Cakewalk programs can I install under a 64 bit Operating System?
    Any application that is specifically supported under Vista or Windows 7, has also been approved to function under Vista x64 or Windows 7 x64 (in 32-bit emulation mode). This means that if an application such as: Guitar Track Pro 4, Music Creator 5, or SONAR Home Studio 7 does not list 64-bit OS support on the packaging or system requirements, this is only referring to native 64-bit support. Unlike SONAR, the aforementioned programs contain only 32-bit versions of the program, whereas SONAR contains separate 32-bit and 64-bit applications on the disc.
    If you are running a 32 bit program under an x64 Operating System you should expect it to work just as well as running under a 32-bit OS; however, you will not see the same benefits as a SONAR x64 user, such as increased RAM utilization. 32-bit applications are still limited to accessing 2-3GB of RAM even in a 64-bit environment."

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