Looking for a "chopper" plugin..

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March 31, 11 4:42 PM (permalink)

Looking for a "chopper" plugin..

Hi guys, is there any "chopper"-type plugins that you can recommend? Something like a timed tremolo but with a "hard" on/of effect.



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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. March 31, 11 5:28 PM (permalink)
    I'm pretty sure The Finger from NI does this.

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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. March 31, 11 5:52 PM (permalink)
    Also stutter edit from Izotope does this as well.

    Other ideas could be.

    Side chaining of a compressor.
    Camel audio (space crusher I think)
    izotope phat matix pro.

    That being said, I haven't found an ideal solution yet that always does what I want. 

    For example, it's real easy if you just want to gate the audio.  But if you want to chop it up into little pieces and then control the order that those little pieces play, that's harder.


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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. April 01, 11 5:43 AM (permalink)
    I have never tested this out myself, but I believe that Z3ta+ can be used as an effect as well as being a synth and I imagine that it can do a square wave tremelo.

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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. April 01, 11 7:25 AM (permalink)
    XILS Labs XILS 3 is capable of all sorts of modulation effects on an external signal. The LE version is 30 Euros and unlike the full version does not require a dongle. You would need the full version however to MIDI sync the LFO.  There is a demo version so you can try it out and the videos on the website give some idea of the capabilities. 
    You could insert as an effect and then route the input through the amp and/or filter and modulate them using the LFOs and/or the sequencer and envelope generator.
    There is also a ring modulator etc and extensive routing capabilities. Brian Eno used the original VCS3 to great effect processing instruments in Roxy Music.
    Its also unusual and interesting soft synth based on the very first synth I ever used.
    post edited by Glyn Barnes - April 01, 11 7:35 AM

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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. April 01, 11 7:39 AM (permalink)
    I would assume also that this is not something that you would do in the whole song, maybe just in a track at a specific point in the track for a limited period of time....Like the guitar in Spirit in the Sky>Norman Greenbaum...

    Enveloping or audio gain>mute audio would work well for a short section. Zoom in for precision.

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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. April 03, 11 9:13 AM (permalink)

    Hi guys, is there any "chopper"-type plugins that you can recommend? Something like a timed tremolo but with a "hard" on/of effect.




    "Skidder" from SmartElectronix is free and works great for this. The link above is for a number of similar/dissimilar effects in the same family - all free I think. (Edit) The link to "Skidder" is in the above link.
    post edited by Brando - April 03, 11 9:14 AM

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    Re:Looking for a "chopper" plugin.. April 03, 11 9:16 AM (permalink)
    SONAR envelopes has preformed tremolo presets that might be simple and leave the sound unadulterated.

    You can choose sine, triangle, square etc.

    best regards,

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