Shutting Down Net and Other Services Temporarily
I'll toss this out here at the risk of being taken to task for some reason or another but I hope the intention is correct. Maybe this post belongs somewhere else but for me it's all about maximizing the Sonar experience.
Notall of us have the budget for a dedicated DAW; we either use our DAW jointly for network access. I for one enjoy the ability to directly download drivers and such.
Someone who knows more than I can chime in with addititional ideas. Anyhow, it's not news or rocket scince but might help someone.
I wrote a little .BAT file (WIN 7 if it matters) to shut down stuff I don't want running while I'm using Sonar. Put it on the desktop and doublec-lik to run.
Taskkill /IM Belkinwcui.exe /F
Taskkill /IM wuaudt.exe /F
Taskkill /IM SixEngine.exe /F
Taskkill /IM SmartDoctor.exe /F
net stop MsMpSvc
net stop "Network Store Interface Service"
net stop "MicrsoftNetworkInspection"
Sure, you can stop some services from starting altogether but this routine can stop stuff you might otherwise need/want when not recording.
I created this as I was desperate to prevent Sonar form locking up on me so I thought htis might help. I unplug the wireless USB antennas, as well.
To reverse the process:
net start "Network Store Interface Service"
net start "DHCP Client"
net start "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service"
net start "DNS Client"
net start "IP Helper"
net start "Network Connections"
net start "Network Location Awareness"
net start "Network List Service"
net start "HomeGroup Provider"
net start Workstation
net start "Computer Browser"
net start Server
net start "Remote Desktop Configuration"
net start Netlogon"
Now one of these prcesses doesn't start back up - forget which one - but it doesn't seem to matter; I get right back on the web. Maybe someone can identlfy it. Yah, I know, half-baked.
These routines pose no permanent risk; if something flakes, jsut reboot. But they work for me.
As to the ultimate effect on Sonar, I dunno. Just thought it helps me have a "dedicated" DAW for a while.