Re:Next ??? After Home Studio 7XL
2011/03/27 15:08:29
Why do you want to upgrade? Are there options elsewhere that you need that aren't in HS?
I kept HS4 for years, not upgrading to every new level. HomeStudio had everything I required, and I had years to get a solid understanding of what does what and find the workflow that works best for me. Sure, I missed out on some new features like Track Folders. But I also didn't lose some of the items that were omitted as HomeStudio changed (Track Manager is a useful tool for me).
I finally recently upgraded to Sonar Producer 8.5, but it was the free X1 Producer that sold me.
In the 8 years that I've had Cakewalk products, i have only used 3 versions: HS2, HS4XL, and Sonar Producer 8.5. I think it's taught me alot, and probably saved me a few $$$ in the process.