New X1 Studio user from 3.01, how to do different simple MIDI tasks?
I have been using Cakewalk 3.01 since 1995, for MIDI-programming.
Now i will try to take a big step to X1 Studio.
But already now im a little stressed over the workflow about doing so
simple stuff as copying some bars.
When i try do to that on let´s say the drum-track, i mark the bars and do CTRL+C and
and go the bar where i want to paste to, i do then CTRL+V and now the
stuff comes to an entire different track, and i HAVE highlighted the track im working on.
What ¿ !
In my old 3.01 the bars are showed as "DOTS" in an ugly grid, but the task was no
worries easy peasy
Another thing, i don´t seem to find view shorcuts to fast go from one screen to another,
it seemes all screens just lies in layers and you have to make them bigger and smaller just
to see them, and thats done by mouse. Is there an easy way to make the track view fill
out the whole screen, and next the event-view full screen etc....?
I have ProTools 9 for the audio jobs, so i need to get the MIDI basics running on X1.
Hope to find some help here :o)