Quick Newb Question!!!

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2011/03/29 05:16:23 (permalink)

Quick Newb Question!!!

I have a quick question regarding my Sonar X1.

I've set my settings as above picture but whenever I play

the Drum part, piano part comes out along.
(So, basically, drum and piano both plays out)

They are both from Cakewalk Sound Center plug-ins

and I don't really know why it's doing it.

I think it's about channels

but I'm new to Sonar X1 and doesn't know where the channel setting is.

Need help here please! :)

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    Re:Quick Newb Question!!! 2011/03/29 05:34:52 (permalink)
    Input echo button is the secret here.  In your track view the button thats lit up blue.  If you only want to hear the drums when you hit your keybaord, uncheck the input echo in the other tracks

    - Mike
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    Re:Quick Newb Question!!! 2011/03/29 05:35:17 (permalink)
    The quickest way to check your settings from the view above is to click on the blue "ProCh" tab at the top of the inspector on the left. That will allow you to see your routing and channel selections for the "Drum" track (Because that's the one you have selected in your Track View.

    Check that the output goes to your drum synth, and also check it is on channel 10 (the traditional MIDI channel for drums). There is a drop down box marked channel in the right handside of the inspector.

    You will also be able to see that in the track header for each track but you need to change your widget setting from "custom" to "all". The widget selector is the drop down box at the top of the track view headers just to the right of your now time display. It currently says "Custom"

    Then click on your "Piano" track in the track view and now the inspector will show the same settings as before but this time for your piano track.

    Again check the output goes to your piano synth but this time use any channel except channel 10, I would suggest number 1.

    As long as your synths are outputting their audio to your sound interface either directly or via a buss you should now here both parts but on their own channels. You can check this by muting the track you don't want to hear.
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    Re:Quick Newb Question!!! 2011/03/29 05:40:57 (permalink)
    Thank you so much guys!
    I'll go ahead and try what you've guys told me when I get back from the work!

    hope things work out this time! :)
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