implementing oxygen 49 track up down keys
I am an occasional user of Producer 8.5, and I have a new M-audio Oxygen 49 keyboard which has two keys to move up and down a track (these are not the transport keys that it also has). The midi messages are MIDI CC 14 and MIDI CC 15 respectively.
I have implemented the ACT midi controller surface for the Oxygen 49 so I can use the sliders and rotaries to control my synthesizer controls. I have implemented a generic surface so that I can use the transport keys (I learnt this form the excellent video on you tube, but this uses an Oxygen 8 which does not have track up down or other buttons). So far so good.
But how to I use the track up down keys? There is no obvious (to me) place to implement these on Sonar Producer.
Many thanks for your help