[Q] Fastest way to get a clip into another Software Program?
I'm trying to find a faster way to get just an audio clip from Sonar into a program called Recycle. I know I can highlight the clip> name and export the clip to a folder> Import clip into Recycle but I feel like there must be a faster way. I was hoping I could drag the clip from Sonar to Recycle but that doesn't work. I also thought that the clip would be automatically saved in the audio folder associated with the current Sonar project but it seems that the audio files in the audio folder of the current project are full tracks not clips. I guess I'm trying to bypass the whole export process and simply import the clip or drag and drop the clip into the Recycle program. Is this possible or am I stuck exporting?
Also: a friend of mine uses Pro Tools which has a way to save all clips ....I was thinking surely Sonar must have something like this....I can't find anything
Windows 7 64-bit, i7 2.93 GHz, EP45-DS3R Mother Board 2GB ram, 2 sata 500GB drives, M-Audio ProFire 610, Sonar 8PE, Alpha Track, Mpc 2500
Bless the Lord!!