EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem

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March 06, 11 4:10 PM (permalink)

EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem

Hi There

Wondering if anyone can help here. I'm nowhere near my main DAW at the moment and won't be for several days and can't remember how to do this. I'm using Superior Drummer 2 and EZ Player Pro in Sonar X1 using a Cakewalk UA-25EX.

Although I'm able to drag groove clips into my SD2 tracks and hear them, I'm unable to preview/audition the clips in EZ Player Pro and, therefore, have to drag the clips into my projects to audition them. This is a real pain. I can't figure out what I've missed in my settings.

My Map Wrap settings in EZP Pro are: Toontrack>>>Superior 2 with the MIDI Output being set to THRU.

In Sonar X1, my EZP Pro input is set to UA-25EX Omni with the output set to UA-25EX Out.
In Sonar X1, my SD2 input and output is set to the same as EZP Pro above.

I'm don't usually use MIDI that much so apologies if I've missed some fundamental routing principal I've forgotten about.

Can anyone give me any pointers here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)

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    Dave Modisette
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    Re:EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem March 06, 11 4:29 PM (permalink)
    First thing to remember is to turn the midi output on for EZdrummer.  Without that midi output, you won't be transmitting the midi data that SONAR needs.

    Set the Superior Drummer input to All Inputs - Omni or EZplayer - midi omni.  Don't forget to turn on input echo for the Superior Drummer track.

    This should do it.

    Note: If you are using EZplayer's midi track for grooves don't forget to set the output for Superior Drummer too.  I never use the EZP midi track and drag my grooves straight to the Superior drummer track.  FWIW, there are other ways to set up EZP but this way is easiest to get going quickly.

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    Re:EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem March 06, 11 6:48 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Dave

    I really appreciate your help with this. I'm a bit confused. It doesn't take much for me with this MIDI Malarkee...

    I was just in the process of writing a big disappointing post about still not able to audition in EZ Player Pro when I finally got it working. Whooohoooo. Thanks Dave.

    This is what I've done:

    - Insert an EZ Player Pro soft synth with selected options MIDI Source, First Synth Audio Output and Enable MIDI Output.

    - Insert an SD2 soft synth with selected options MIDI Source, First Synth Audio Output and Enable MIDI Output (same as above basically).

    In my tracks:
    1. EZplayer 1 Primary Output (Stereo) is set to Input: EZ Player 1 Primary Output Stereo and Output: Master.
    2. EZplayer1 is set to Input: All Inputs Omni and Output: 2-EZplayer 1.
    3. Superior Drummer 1 S2-1/S2-1R: Stereo is set to Input: Superior Drummer 1 S2-1/S2-1R (Stereo) and Output: Master.
    4. Superior Drummer 1 is set to Input: All Inputs Omni and Output: 3-Superior Drummer 1. Note: Input Echo turned on.
    I'm not awfully familiar with MIDI and synths and may have enabled too many or, not enough options in the soft synth options dialogue box? I've certainly done enough to confuse myself anyway...lol

    Are my numbers 1 and 3 above merely the audio routing options for my soft synths?



    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
    Dave Modisette
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    Re:EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem March 06, 11 7:45 PM (permalink)
    1st thing: Superior has no midi out but enabling something that doesn't exist doesn't hurt you in this case.

    The EZPlayer Primary is basically a "dummy" track.  There is no audio that EZP produces and it's just something that SONAR generates as if EZPlayer was a softsynth which it is not.  It's really like a sequencer inside a sequencer.  However, you have to have this output track or EZPlayer will not work.  Actually, I think it's that SONAR won't work.  So create it and forget it because the EZplayer VST midi output is doing all of the work.

    You are correct that your 3rd point is the audio output for Superior Drummer.

    post edited by Mod Bod - March 06, 11 7:52 PM

    Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig.

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    Re:EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem March 06, 11 8:06 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Dave

    I understand this a lot better now. You've been very kind and helpful.

    Thanks again


    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
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    Re:EZ Player Pro Previewing Problem March 31, 11 11:48 PM (permalink)
       Hello  Dave,

    I'm having the same inability to monitor/audition within EZPlayer.

    I have :

    - Inserted an EZ Player Pro soft synth with selected options MIDI Source, First Synth Audio Output and Enable MIDI Output.

    - Inserted a SD2 soft synth with selected options MIDI Source, and First Synth Audio Output

    In my tracks:
    1. EZplayer 1 Primary Output (Stereo) is set to Input: EZ Player 1 Primary Output Stereo and Output: Master.
    2. EZplayer1 is set to Input: All Inputs Omni and Output:EZplayer 1.
    3. Superior Drummer 1 S2-1/S2-1R: Stereo is set to Input: Superior Drummer 1 S2-1/S2-1R (Stereo) and Output: Master.
    4. Superior Drummer 1 is set to Input: All Inputs Omni and Output: Superior Drummer 1.
    5.  Input Echo turned on ( on the SD2 midi track ).
    This is what zippsinc did to get it to work and yet I get nada. However EZplayer works fine in Toontrack Solo ( aka not within sonar ). I am able ( within sonar ) to drag the midi info to my SD@ midi track and hear the groove but that's it. The SD2 softsynth works fine otherwise.

    However I am able to open an instance of Toontrack Solo outside of Sonar and within that open SD2 and EZPlayer and all of it works just fine.

    Am I just going to have to open  EZPlayer and SD2 within Toontrack Solo outside of Sonar to audition midi patterns in EZPlayer ? Or am I doing something wrong ?

    Oh, and this is my set up:

    Windows Vista Business 64 ( service Pack 2 )
    Cordi7 Overclocked 3.6GHz  Quad Core
    12 Gigs RAM
    with a Mackie Onyx 1620 Firewire interface

    Thanks ahead of time !

    Matthew Willner

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