The Time is Now - updated Final version?

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2011/04/02 19:29:32 (permalink)

The Time is Now - updated Final version?

Ok, it's time to give my ears a break (and I supposed do some chores)

So I figured I would upload this.  Last time everyone was so helpful, and I really think a better song came out of it.

Note I am using the new Nomad Magnetic on the whole track.  Other stuff used
Alchemy - the main low pad that starts early
Nexus 2 - Bass line & synth lead
EZ/Superior Drummer  + Battery for the drums
Most of the EQ's is with Izotope Alloy
Compression was Alloy and UAD 1176
Reverb - Lexicon LXP
Delay PSP 42

(also is it helpful for me to list stuff like this)

Also, can anyone with real good monitoring check the interplay between the bass and the kick.   I tried to do some EQ'ing and stuff to make sure they fit, but I'm unsure if it worked.  Graphically I see there is still a lot of energy down there, and I want to make sure I'm not leaving a muddy mess.

Anyway, all comments are of course welcome.  And THANKS !

FINAL Version?


post edited by Kroneborge - 2011/04/03 21:43:16


Hip Hop


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/02 20:20:24 (permalink)
    I like the mix and the sense of spaciousness that you left between the sound with the arrangement.

    The arrangement seems to play a solid role in the overall EQ balance.

    Well done.

    best regards,

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/02 21:10:23 (permalink)
    Whatever that is in the beginning made me smile for some reason.  :)  Later...crazy echo-y stuff.  :)  Man, she can sing!!  Love the deep lyrics. :)  Really cool track! 
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/02 22:04:27 (permalink)
    @ Mike,  I almost always leave plenty of space because I can't think of anything else to put there :)

    Thanks for the listen though

    @ Janet

    You mean the "ahhh"?     Also yes the other girl is quite good.  I get stuff off of   For those of us that can't sing (and who's relatives that can won't you) it's nice place to get some vocal interest.

    For some reason I haven't been too happy with the mix yet.  then again that could be because I've been working at it more.  The more you work, the more you hear, the less happy you are?

    Plus there are so many good posters on here, it just makes you strive harder.


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/02 23:53:12 (permalink)
    Hey, KroneDude, this was cool.  Nice moving parts.  Are you saying that is a vocal sample>  Either way this has nice elements that you don't get in some electronica stuff.  It's a great Pug song.  I mean Pop song.  LOL!

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 05:04:33 (permalink)
    Hi, Matthew,
    This is a really good, very original sounding piece of electronica!
    Extremely well written and performed, and you've got a nice, richly textured, pro sounding mix.  To me, it sounds like a great dance club song.
    I'm just curious, how do you like Magnetic so far?  I mainly use Voxengo Analog Flux TapeBus, or Nomad Factory BBE Sonic Maximizer for saturation on my mixes, although most of my stuff is heavy guitar oriented, so I don't usually use much added saturation on those buses.  I read a little bit about Magnetic a while back, and it piqued my curiosity.
    Anyway, very nice work on "The Time is Now", have a great weekend!
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 09:52:21 (permalink)
    Hi Mathew,

    Sounds great, man!  Great separation on the mix.

    Some really cool panning, too. 

    From 3:35 to 4:30 or so it sounds like there might be a little too much compression/saturation...or something.  This could very well be intentional, though.

    I'm far from an expert on this style but I like this a lot.


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 12:02:15 (permalink)
    @ William,

    Yep all vocal samples.  Although, I wish I could get somebody like that girl to sing for me on a regular basis.  Still, I would probably use some vocal samples just for the vareity you can get.  Also, lol and TY

    @ Bob,

    Thanks for the comments and the listen.   So far I am liking magnetic.  It does seem to add a bit of something extra to the sound, all though, I'm still trying to figure it out right now.  In this case, I just put it on the final mix track before Ozone 4.  

    Here's a version of it without it for comparions
    Note there was some boost coming out of Magnetic, so without that it's not hitting the loudness maxizer in Ozone as hard.  So make sure when comparing to take that into account.

    I'd really like to try the UAD tape plugin, but I need to get a UAD 2 quad first, lol.

    @ geeare

    Thanks for the listen.   Yes I'm still  not totally happy with the section you mentioned.  I like the overall vibe, but the mix isn't quite right yet.  Maybe I'm just hitting Ozone too hard.  I'll try and back it off a bit and see what I can do.

    Yes this is supposed to be club music, but I do try hard not to over limit.  Thanks, again


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 12:43:18 (permalink)
    Oh yeah, I'd forgotten you got those vocal samples.  Wow...that's cool.  I guess that might sorta limit the lyrics? :)
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 12:49:37 (permalink)
    Yes, just a tad. 

    My wife has a decent voice too, and her sister can REALLY sing.   But do I ever get them over to do any recording, of course not.  There went our number 1, lol


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 13:06:01 (permalink)
    Yeah, I know some good singers too.  But boy, does it ever take long to record and then mix, vocals well.  Of course, it sorta takes awhile to write good lyrics too.  lol
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 13:17:54 (permalink)
    "But boy, does it ever take long to record and then mix, vocals well"

    I was trying to setup my system to record last night so I could use the ARC, man it took forever. I probably hadn't recorded vocals in years.   That's one of the reasons I just use plugins now.  I used to have a Yamaha Motiff, and I still have a Yamaha FS1R (like a suped up FM8) but I never used them cause it was such a pain.

    Plus let's not talk about how much of a pain editing multi-vocal takes can be. 

    As for lyrics, what are those?


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 13:23:45 (permalink)
    Setting up a mic.  Yeah...I'm learning to play the bass and have recently taken up the guitar again. But I can't even begin to imagine what it would take to record them properly if I ever decide to.  :(

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 17:52:42 (permalink)
    To comment on your low end.  I monitor from a pair of KRK VXT4's that are quite limited on low end.  It sounded quite full at the bottom end without over driving my monitors.  No hint of muddyness in my ears.  In my truck, with subs, it might be a different story.  But isn't that why we have subs?  So you can feel as well as hear.  Not my style of music but enjoyed it.

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 18:03:43 (permalink)
    Thanks Brett.  The low end can always be a bit tricky.   It's good to have some oomph, but you want it to be tight ooomph, lol (or at least usually.

    Also glad you liked it :)


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 18:18:42 (permalink)
    Mathew....I am detecting some of that muddiness your concerned with...This area ia not one I spend lots of timein so I cant really point definitively at the issue..but it sounds hazy to me (the mid-bottom end)...not at all terrible but I think your hearing something that needs to be fixed (tightened?)at some point...

    cool song tho!!
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 21:29:17 (permalink)
    I'm listening on my laptop with earbuds.
    With this medium, the low end is nice and smooth.  The bass reminds me of 80s Ministry.  A little distorted, but with a well-rounded edge...
    I'm not sure how you'd go about doing it, but if this were my track i'd have the female vocal blasting a bit more in-your-face.  Other than that, this song reminds me that i've ignored electronic music for too long.
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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 21:42:26 (permalink)
    Ok new and hopefully final version posted

    @ Thepogue

    Thanks for the listen, I've tried to clean it up a bit

    @ Slugbaby

    Thanks for the listen, hopefully the changes fix the vocals. a bit.  I might have a bit more separation as well.


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 23:15:01 (permalink)
    Pretty cool track! It manages to feel interesting all the way through, which isn't easy in electronica, so that's a great trick!
    As for recording/mixing vocals, I think I'm making some headway since I got a couple new mics and started playing around with using two different mics at once, in different places, for both my acoustic guitar and my vocal tracks.

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/03 23:41:37 (permalink)
    Listening on my Sennheiser phones. Maybe not the best, but I can trust the image.
    Bass has a good presence, clean and round, and doesn't seem to have any of the muddiness mentioned previously.
    Nice all around balance, and I think this would translate well on a club system.
    Good job. It's amazing how much work goes into that last 10% isn't it?

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 03:03:36 (permalink)

    Its almost my bed time but I had TIME for your song , I thought it sounded great  !
    I like some of the changes in the song and the voice over effects , great job creating this tune !


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 10:28:23 (permalink)
    @ Brent
    Thanks for the comments.  Also, that's a neat idea with the mic's.  I'm might try that some day.  Are you using the same type of mic, or different types?  

    @ Robert
    Glad you liked it.  And you are SO right about that last 10%.  I guess that's why professionals often have a separate person mix it and then another person master it.  I've got to be honest, I've been tempted myself.  Thanks,

    @ Radio Thanks man, and lol.  Now that is done, I might take some TIME myself before I start the next one.   That way I can enjoy the feeling of accomplishment a little longer, before I start feeling frustrated again.   Maybe even wait 2-3 days, lol.

    Thanks again everyone,


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 10:42:34 (permalink)
    Sound great!  Great space on this mix.


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 15:00:17 (permalink)
    Thanks Vicente :)


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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 16:28:03 (permalink)
    I'm using different mics. The main mic, which I set maybe a foot away from the sound source is an AKG Perception 420, and the other is Behringer C-2. On my most recent song, I recorded the guitar while standing a about 6 feet away from a wall, with the AKG in pretty close, and the Behringer pointed at the wall. For the vocals I turned the Behringer around and had it about 2 feet away from my, off to the left and a bit lower than the AKG. I'm pretty happy with how the whole thing turned out, especially since that Behringer mic was a freebie when I bought some other equipment years ago :)

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 16:39:05 (permalink)
    Cool, I might try that next time I record.



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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 17:44:05 (permalink)
    Not really my style but the mix sounds pretty good here, crisp and clear with a bottom end you can feel too. professional, this is something that defo could be played in a club.

    Well done.

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    Re:The Time is Now - draft 2011/04/04 17:59:23 (permalink)
    @ Whack

    Thanks a lot !  I really do hope to get it in a club someday.


    Hip Hop


    i7 12 gb ram, Komplete 5, Izotope Ozone & Stutter, Symphonic Orchestra Plat.

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