Re:Eric, have you noticed this?
2011/04/03 19:50:36
Ha ha!
Nope, didn't know about it - don't watch telly - till this afternoon someone explained to me what
all the Spartacus comments that had being going on all weekend were about.
Don't know about a Take That tribute band, though at some point in the mid-90's a few of us over a couple (ie lots)
of beers thought about forming a Take That piss-take band. We got as far as the band name...
Take That, Give This.
Well, it was amusing to us at the time, and it was quite a lot of beer we'd had...
Just had a look at the programme on 4OD, don't recognize anyone....
CuBase, Ableton, Steinberg UR-22 MKII, i7-4790K 4.00 Ghz, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance Pro RAM, Windows 10.