tripped across a very interesting "Technique" last night
i typically bounce all my tracks to a stereo pair, when mixing down.
then, i can easily a/b that track (with SOLO) against the whole, bringing the overall volume down to match...
and also, i can experiment with master buss stuff, before i decide it's done.
then, i typically output a 24 bit file, and master in WAVELAB.
so, last night, i was working on a song for the new album.....
and it has no drums.
it's called "Twilight Rain", and i've posted it here in the songs forum before...
anyway, i'm actively working on this mix.
but had forgotten that i had already bounced it down to a stereo track, and when i brought it up last night, to continue working on the mix, it seemed that everything was way brighter than i remembered.....
my master buss was getting near -2db!
(i always mix so that PEAKS are -6db max, RMS is usually -12 to -15)
then i remembered "oh crap, already mixed this"..... and i had forgotten to mute the mixdown track
so it was blending in with my original mix.
so, it kinda sounded good, you know?!!
so i decided, ok, i want something different for this song anyway, because of the lack of drums or any percussion, it could stand to be........phatter.
so, i threw waves L1 across the mixed down track, took the fader all the way down, played my original mix, and brought that track back up, just barely.
i mean, i've played around with parallel compression for years, but typically only on drums.
this isn't exactly parallel compression, i don't know what you'd call it.
but it made the mix super phat, without crapping on anything.
it didn't even really raise the peaks levels but about .5db, the way i'm barely using the track.....
and i'm wondering--if this is a legitimate way of blending a 'psuedo-mastered' track, back in with the original mix, just to fill it out a bit?
now, this song will get mastering, as they all will.
the thing that concerns me is, will this mess with the mastering process?
as it is, the mix sounds great by itself, and i don't hear any pumping or artifacts from the limited track blended in.......
similar experiences?
words of caution?
damn the torpedoes?
post edited by batsbrew - 2011/04/07 10:45:21