Punch In/Out

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2011/04/24 23:06:29 (permalink)

Punch In/Out


Hoping someone can help with a problem using Punch In / Out on an audio track. After setting the Punch In / Out points I start playing along with what is already recorded about 5 bars before the Punch In point to get the feel of what I want to record. The Punch In / Out takes place as its supposed to but when I play it back there is a definite popping sound at the Punch In point and the one or two bars that have now been re-recorded are discernibly louder than the music before and after the Punch In / Out points.

Anyone else had this problem?

Any ideas on what causes it and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


 iMac. Audio interface - VS-100, Win 7 Via Bootcamp, 4Gb Ram

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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/25 02:40:30 (permalink)
    Hi again

    I worked out how to get rid of the popping noise using zoom and snap to grid. However, still don't know why the audio recorded between the Punch In and the Punch Out would be discernibly louder. Any ideas??


     iMac. Audio interface - VS-100, Win 7 Via Bootcamp, 4Gb Ram

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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/25 09:27:49 (permalink)
    On the levels, you might look at your recording options.  Blend, sound on sound, or replace.  I always use replace or record to a new layer.

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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/25 11:18:04 (permalink)

    Hi again

    I worked out how to get rid of the popping noise using zoom and snap to grid. However, still don't know why the audio recorded between the Punch In and the Punch Out would be discernibly louder. Any ideas??


    Most likely you are adding to your previously recorded material rather than replacing it. There are two ways that I can think of right away to go about fixing the problem.
    1. Go to "Preferences" by presseing "P" on your keyboard. At the bottom left of the window that appears, be sure to click the "Advanced" option. Scroll down untill you see the "Editing" option available on the left side of the screen. Click "Editing". The second option down from the top is "What to do with Existing Material". Check the "Replace old with New" option. At the bottom of that window, click "Apply", and then "OK".
    2. Look at the Red Flags in the Time Ruler at the top of the Track View that indicate the time region of your punch-in. Place your mouse cursor somewhere in-between the two red flags and slowly move your mouse cursor up towards the top area untill your normal cursor turns into a solid black down-arrow. At this point, just give a single left click. This action will select the range of time that your red punch-in flage are indicating. Now simply click once on the track number (for example: Your vocal track is track number 3, so click on the number 3). Now only that specific time on that specific track is selected (you can tell because there will be a slightly darker appearance to show the selection). Now just hit the delete key and that will delete the area of the track that you wish to replace by punching-in. This will allow you to punch in without just adding more material to the same track.

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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/26 03:37:38 (permalink)
    Thanks guys. I will give those suggestions a try and let you know how I go.

     iMac. Audio interface - VS-100, Win 7 Via Bootcamp, 4Gb Ram

    "He wasn't even the best drummer in The Beatles." - John when asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world.
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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/26 16:21:52 (permalink)
    Managed to solve the volume problem. However, still getting the odd click and pop at the Punch In / Punch Out points. I think its because the note before the Punch In point, for example, extends into the first bar after the Punch In point. So there is no silence at the start of the first bar of Punch In. Does this have something to do with Audio Zero Crossings? Any ideas on how to work around this? Is this where I should be using fading in and out or cross fades?
    Thanks for all your help.


     iMac. Audio interface - VS-100, Win 7 Via Bootcamp, 4Gb Ram

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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/26 16:56:25 (permalink)
    I usually have to do cross fades when I punch in a part to get rid of the popping.  This is because even if you snap to zero crossings the phase (whether the signal is going up or down after the zero crossing) is not going to exactly match.   I usually punch in a measure or so before and after to do the cross fade.
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    Re:Punch In/Out 2011/04/26 17:11:09 (permalink)

    Just to clarify.... if you want to punch in at, say, bar 12 and out at bar 14, where would you do the cross fades?

    Appreciate the help.


     iMac. Audio interface - VS-100, Win 7 Via Bootcamp, 4Gb Ram

    "He wasn't even the best drummer in The Beatles." - John when asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world.
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