Pro Channel wierdness!
I don't know if this is a bug or not. I opened a project I have been working on for about a week. I noticed when I clicked on the Pro Channel tab to open it next to the track view the top of the channel where you can load the presets was gone!
You could see everything thing else, the comp, the eq, the tube sat, name of the track, and the number of the track at the very bottom. No place at the top to load the presets. As if the channel itself was so big in it's window that the preset part was not fitting.
FWIW, I fiddled around with it until I figured out how to get it back. You have to undock Pro Channel, then choose the option to re-dock it wherever you want. Once it re-docked, the preset tab came back.
Has anyone else had this happen? It seemed to only occur in this project. I opened other ones and did not have the problem at all.