Remix contest
I have just entered another remix contest at IndabaMusic. The song "Love The Way You Dance" would possibly be classed as latin-afro-funk. My mix could be classed as psychedelic-latin-rock.
The song syncs to a video, so there was no scope for re-arranging the song horizontally (at least not without editing the video too), but I changed the instrumentation drastically. I used the original vocals but discarded almost all of the other supplied stems.
The original mix is just too happy all the way through, despite some melancholic lyrics in the verses. I changed the mood accordingly, following the lyrics closely.
Softsynths used: Battery3, B4II, MrRay22, DimPro, Rapture, SampleTron, Philharmonik.
I have posted the
video with my mix on YouTube.
The contest entries (audio only) and original version (audio and video) can be found