Re:Carte Blanche - Need your advice
2011/05/09 22:34:11
I"m sorry to hear about your divorce. there are no winners in divorce.
2.86G Usable RAM. that's low! I can understand you having to share RAM with your video card on a laptop, but I wouldn't suspect it would use more than 500M, so where's the other 640M??? (assuming Win 7 64bit, not 32bit! - if you're running 32bit then the numbers would be different)
Drums - upgrade to Superior Drummer 2 and get the NY Avatar Expansion and Music City Expansion. they're on sale right now at
Bass - I'd go with Kontakt and buy a couple of the Bass expansion packs or Komplete which comes with some of them.
Guitar amp sims: Guitar Rig 4. the light version comes with X1 Producer upgrade (which you might want as well), but GR4 full version also comes with Komplete 7.
Strings/synhts: Kontakt/Komplete.
so bottom line:
Komplete 7
Superior Drummer + Expansion Packs
optional: X1 Producer