Automated virtual drummer?

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May 23, 11 6:38 AM (permalink)

Automated virtual drummer?

OK my drumming capabilities are totally absent. I'd hate to have to build a drum line like I normally do. That is, write every single beat note by note in MIDI. It has taken me days to do this in the past and it takes away from my creative end, (not to mention I have no clue what a drum feels like or how to play on them). Is there anything automated that I can use in Sonar 7 that magically builds a drum-track based on the existing bass tracks?

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 7:17 AM (permalink)
    I use Band in a Box for that very purpose.

    others use Jamstix.  either do a great job.
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 9:06 AM (permalink)
    I too have Band in the Box, (I rarely use it though). Good suggestion. So I take it that nothing in Sonar can cover that other than to go with a differant program?

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 9:44 AM (permalink)

    I too have Band in the Box, (I rarely use it though). Good suggestion. So I take it that nothing in Sonar can cover that other than to go with a differant program?

    Do you have any Midi groove clips?
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:05 AM (permalink)


    I too have Band in the Box, (I rarely use it though). Good suggestion. So I take it that nothing in Sonar can cover that other than to go with a differant program?

    Do you have any Midi groove clips?
    ?? In Sonar? If it has it I've never used them...

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:11 AM (permalink)
    Maybe it is something you should look into. There are also many third party clips of this nature out there that are perfect for people who don't want to compose their own drum tracks.
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:17 AM (permalink)
    I like using audio groove clips for drum tracks. There's some that come with Sonar. You can drag one out for as many measures as you want, then you can go back in and cut and paste in fills and other variations to make them more interesting and realistic. 

    There is also Session Drummer 3 which makes it about as easy as it can get to create a drum track. 

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:23 AM (permalink)
    I'm slightly interested in the Session drummer. As long as I don't have to do any extensive notation I'll give it a shot. Anyone know of a good tutorial online for Session Drummer?

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:25 AM (permalink)
    Go to and type in Session Drummer tutorial fer chrissakes. 

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 11:41 AM (permalink)
    If I do that I'll get a bazillion crappy ones along with every sales pitch known to mankind from every corner of the planet.
    Wondered if anyone had already crossed this bridge and save me the horror.

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 23, 11 12:27 AM (permalink)
    You already have Session Drummer 2. It came with SHS6XL.
    The manual for it should be on your hard drive (assuming you didn't delete it). SD2 is fairly easy to use, and will work in Sonar7, as will any other VST's from SHS6XL.
    You won't have SD3 with Sonar 7.

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 24, 11 11:44 AM (permalink)
    If it helps , i've been using Session Drummer 3 with my midi controller. You can set your midi track to auto quantize as you are playing ( or not ). And then go into PR View to edit as needed. I really like doing it this way. Very quick and "human" sounding drum trax are the result. I used to manually enter each midi note in the PRV. . . . .days and days and days of work. And IMHO , i think the multisampled drum sounds are as good as anything else out there if you take advantage of PC64 and a few other plugs.

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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 24, 11 2:24 PM (permalink)
    I can even imagine entering MIDI drum note one at a time when there must be more way's to do this than there are breeds of dogs.
    Some suggestions:
    1-Session Drummer or any plug in like it. there are many. Go to KVR and search for drums.
    2-Band in a Box. and other like it.
    3-Buy a used drum machine and fire it up in MIDI sync mode.
    4-Find a virtual drum machine.
    5-Using a midi keyboard enter the drum notes in real time playing along with the metronome and a guitar track- this is what I do, it gives me the arrangement instantly. I can create a full drum track in about 15 Min depending on song.
      How to:
    record your scratch guitar ( or ??) and vocal track to the metronome.
    insert a couple of CH 10 Midi track and the TTS1 ( or other)
    MIDI track 1-Record  the Kick /Snare
    MIDI track 2-Record  the hi hat and cymbals
    MIDI track 3-Record the tom fills ( make sure to delete snare or hi hats at same event time.
    Quantize each track after recording.
    This is by no means a killer drum track, those take time or a real drummer,  but it will be enough to do a demo of the song an not get in the way of the feel. You can go back to it later and make some improvements.

    post edited by Cactus Music - May 24, 11 2:28 PM

    Johnny V  
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 24, 11 2:44 PM (permalink)
    If it helps , i've been using Session Drummer 3 with my midi controller. You can set your midi track to auto quantize as you are playing ( or not ). And then go into PR View to edit as needed. I really like doing it this way. Very quick and "human" sounding drum trax are the result. I used to manually enter each midi note in the PRV. . . . .days and days and days of work. And IMHO , i think the multisampled drum sounds are as good as anything else out there if you take advantage of PC64 and a few other plugs.

    Core 2 Quad Q8300, 8 gigs DDR2, WIN7 x64,Sonar PE 8.7.7, SATA WD650gig(primary), SATA WD160gig(audio),SATA Maxtor(loops,samples) WD320gig external(backup), MOTU 828mkII, Line 6 UX8, ,  Alesis DM5, Edirol PCR-M80, Wharfedale 8.1s, '86 Les Paul Studio Lite, Fender Blackout Tele, Breedlove Acoustic/Electric Bass, Schecter Deluxe Bass, Dean Luna Acoustic, Line 6 500 Variax. Keeley Compressor, Line 6 PODXT Live, Roland GR-20 Synth.
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 24, 11 2:47 PM (permalink)
    Didn't mean "anything else out there". Meant "acceptable" if you have the time to put into the manual editing.

    Core 2 Quad Q8300, 8 gigs DDR2, WIN7 x64,Sonar PE 8.7.7, SATA WD650gig(primary), SATA WD160gig(audio),SATA Maxtor(loops,samples) WD320gig external(backup), MOTU 828mkII, Line 6 UX8, ,  Alesis DM5, Edirol PCR-M80, Wharfedale 8.1s, '86 Les Paul Studio Lite, Fender Blackout Tele, Breedlove Acoustic/Electric Bass, Schecter Deluxe Bass, Dean Luna Acoustic, Line 6 500 Variax. Keeley Compressor, Line 6 PODXT Live, Roland GR-20 Synth.
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    Re:Automated virtual drummer? May 24, 11 3:00 PM (permalink)
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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