GetUniqueSurfaceId ?
Need to create a I/O redirector plugin to go with my "real" plugin so as to support more than just the one midi in and out port.
Small i/o redirector plug done,forwards midi in and out via exported functions. Now I can support 2 units via usb connections - thought it would be more units but:
I/O redirector is registered in windows once and cannot get handle to subsequent loads of that dll only the first I/O redir plug plus the "master" plug which is of differing name and windows reg too.
Since seemingly only Sonar is aware of the differing instances of many I/O redir plugs, how can I use Sonar's GetUniqueSurfaceId to my advantage in accessing exported function of instance 2,3 or even 4 of a dll control plug. - Or can I not use that at all in this connection?
The master plug returns an ID of 0x00000b0b, the first I/O redir plug 0x00000b0c, and the next I/O redir plug (that I cannot otherwise get a handle to, and
send midi to) is 0x00000b0d.
So finally there is a distinction. But can I use it? It looks like a relative address if it's an address at all.
Thanks in advance. I'm really stuck.
Having lots of fun otherwise.
post edited by bitman - 2011/05/26 22:32:34