File and clip naming issues

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June 06, 11 3:12 PM (permalink)

File and clip naming issues

Why is the "Record x" label reseted if Sonar is restarted? It looks like the take counter is in brackets {x}, but it really is confusing (andf ugly) when the two of the m are out of sync, or is this a feature?

I would be very glad is the default naming of recorded wave files could be changed to something which to me was more sensible (I do not like the counter being added to each clip, they should have a take number associated instead! 

Is this possible?

Minor annoyance today... : the "Now Time" is always reseted to showing midi time, and since I do not use any midi I always have to change that, why?

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    Re:File and clip naming issues June 06, 11 3:38 PM (permalink)
    left click on it and change it hmsf/ mine doen't change from this when i do it

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    Re:File and clip naming issues June 06, 11 4:27 PM (permalink)
    Updated to x1b and the problem with the  "now time" was gone. 

    Unfortunately I seem to have a less stable system right now :( . Now Sonar hangs in a strange state between playback and stop. Nothing is running but preferences is greyed out and the program had to be killed using activity panel. Cannot have playback latency compensation on because it is giving me drop outs...

    So much for having a complete Roland system... (Sonar Reac system). This system is really giving me a headache. Using Sonar is not for the faint-hearted. But - it might be the Roland gear I have connected to it (apart fopr the problematic workflow).

    The computer is i7 (Q740) with 6G of ram with 7000rpm disk running windows 7 home premium - should be enough? I only try to record and playback ~5 tracks...

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    Re:File and clip naming issues June 06, 11 5:48 PM (permalink)
    Finally I have something which may be working (will record a few hours to make sure it is working). All buffers on max and no multi cpu support enabled. At least I can have playback latency compensation for 313.5ms of latency which is nice because it is annoying to not having the visual cues lining up with the audio. 

    Still wondering about the clip and file naming problems though. Does not seem to be possible to change it (the dev team could take a look at how Samplitude does this).

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