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Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
Hi members, I own the sonar producer 8.5.2v and from some reason, when I start the drum application, there's no sound. Tried to play with all the revealed input\output functions but without any success. By the way, it's a little bit strange because few days ago it really worked! What do I do? Thanks in advanced, Ami. P.S Tried to reinstall the program but it didn't solve the problem.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 28, 11 2:32 PM
What audio device are you using for the audio output? Is it the only audio device enabled in Sonar? What driver mode are you using? ASIO? WDM/KS? MME? What drum application are you using? How is it being used... Simple Instrument track? Single Stereo Output and a Midi track? Multiple Outputs and a Midi track? It could be something very simple such as the synth isn't getting the Midi data or the Synth isn't being output to an enabled audio device. Go to Options>Audio>Drivers Tab. Make sure ONLY the device you want to use is enabled there.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 28, 11 5:07 PM
Wow you are the best! It works! Now I have something other to ask. I found out I have drums on this program I can virtually play and record them, what about other instruments? like piano or bass guitar? Another thing, when I record a voice, the record quality awsome, but in the same time there's a little thing that bother me, and it's kind of a background constant noise, except the recorded voice itself. So, how can I filter that noise that I would be able to hear only the clean recorded voice. Thanks in advanced, Ami.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 28, 11 5:32 PM
Soft synths all work pretty much the same way. You need Midi data to send to the soft synth and an audio track to play the soft synth's sounds. The Cakewalk TTS-1 soft synth is a good basic General Midi Multi-Timbral synth. It can play up to 16 channels at one time so it can play multiple instruments on different tracks, each one on its own channel. Most other synths work best when working with one channel at a time. If you want to use the TTS-1 with multiple channels, insert it with the options First Synth Audio Output. It can also be inserted with multiple outputs (4) but I don't recommend that until you have a good working knowledge of how that works and some experience configuring Midi and Audio Tracks to work with soft synths. There are other synths but I suggest working only with the TTS-1 in the beginning to keep things as simple as possible until you get the feel for how it works and how to configure it. I strongly urge you to read the Help file under Using Soft Synths so you will know the basics and become familiar with some of the terminology involved. When you post here looking for help it will be a big aid to you and anyone who responds. As far as the noise... hard to say without knowing more about what audio device you are using. If you are using the built in sound chip in your computer as an audio device there may always be some noise because they simply aren't built for pro quality audio recording. The best thing you can do in that situation (other than getting a better audio interface) is to get the best signal going into Sonar without clipping. What audio interface are you using with Sonar?
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 2:05 AM
well, I think I don't have a good audio interface, all I use for audio (play/record) is the sound built-in card on the p5qle motherboard. if it's not enough, can you recommend something that won't be too much expensive and too much professional? and another thing, how can I add to sonar an application of guitar or piano? I'm asking that because I want to know how can I play/record these instruments without the real instruments and the real equipment? just an application.. like the drums set that I found in there or the truepianos I want to add to the program but I have no clue how to do that......
post edited by proupaeh - May 29, 11 4:06 AM
Kalle Rantaaho
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 5:44 AM
Proupaeh, welcome to the forum! All you need to do is do the tutorials and study the manual properly. You don't mention what software you are using, but if you have the SONAR DVD, there's 1500 pages of studying for you. In earlier versions it was tutorial #4 (IIRC) that was about soft synths, maybe different with X1. Using VSTs is not complicated. Forumite Beagle has good soundcard suggestions on his site. You really need to do some homework before asking very basic questions, because it's not reasonable to expect the other users to start copypasting the manual here for you. It's considered recommendable forum behaviour to start a thread of your own for your question instead of hijacking someones thread. Also, whenever you ask a question, we'll need your system and soundcard specs as well as info on what soundcard drivers you're using etc. so it's a very good idea to put at least the basics in a signature, like most forumites here have done. The learning curve may look a little steep in the beginning, but don't get discouraged. You'll work it out and it's worth it.
SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre - Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc. The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 6:41 AM
Hey Kalle Rantaaho, I use the sonar 8.5 producer program and if you think I should read the manuals and the tutorials, just refer me please to the correct and the relevant information i.e. the exact places where I can get the info. Thanks.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 6:59 AM
Hey Kalle Rantaaho, I use the sonar 8.5 producer program and if you think I should read the manuals and the tutorials, just refer me please to the correct and the relevant information i.e. the exact places where I can get the info. Thanks.
Kalle Rantaaho
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 9:47 AM
Doing the tutorials is the best way to see how thing work. As I said, it's tutorial #4 that concentrates on soft synths. The descriptions of the tutorials are quite self explanatory. I can't decide what is relevant info to you and what is not. Basically, IMO, everyone should read the whole manual at least once, and thus finding the relevant parts, read those a few times more. After having done the tutorials you could just browse the help contents and do random checks of things you assume to be relevant to you.
SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre - Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc. The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 10:58 AM
proupaeh well, I think I don't have a good audio interface, all I use for audio (play/record) is the sound built-in card on the p5qle motherboard. if it's not enough, can you recommend something that won't be too much expensive and too much professional? and another thing, how can I add to sonar an application of guitar or piano? I'm asking that because I want to know how can I play/record these instruments without the real instruments and the real equipment? just an application.. like the drums set that I found in there or the truepianos I want to add to the program but I have no clue how to do that...... I use the Cakewalk UA-1G USB audio interface and it works fine for my modest needs, including using a lot of soft synths, and runs about $100. That's around the bottom low end of the pro audio interface price range. Soft synths are, generally, VST (Virtual Studio Technology) instruments, though Sonar uses both VST and DXi soft synths. Any soft synth you ADD to Sonar will most likely be a VST soft synth. Same thing goes for effects like compression, EQ, Chorus, delay, etc. Basically, if Sonar recognizes the VST it will use it and it will be in the menus. Some VST instruments and effects have to be installed. Others just need their .dll file put in a directory that Sonar uses for VST effects. ONE way to see, and add to, the directories Sonar uses for VST's is to go to Options>Global>Vst Plug-ins. There are many free/pay VST instruments and effects available online. After they are installed you have to scan the VST directories before Sonar will recognize and use them. In addition to the most excellent advice from Kalle Rantaaho I also suggest looking in the Help files. They are a built in manual and in most cases provide MORE information than the manual does. Just browse through the alphabetical index or search for a term you wish to know more about. These forums aren't meant to REPLACE the manuals, tutorials and help files, but to complement and expand on them. I think it's fair to say that people here will bend over backwards to help if they can, but they, myself included, expect those seeking advice to at least make the effort of reading the material that comes with the product. If for no other reason than new users will become more familiar with the terminology and can ask better questions. It's very hard to answer a question like "My thingy won't work! Help!". Help us... to help you. Do the homework that the people who can help you have already done. You'll be glad you did.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 6:18 PM
ok, first of all, thank's a lot guys! really, thanks. I'm gonna immediately start reading the manual, but before that. A little thing that I want to confirm. All of these plugins, the Vstis - truepianos, drumsets and etc, is it just for those who got the instruments? i.e. Those who don't have a keyboard connected to the computer can't use the truepianos plug? for example to write music sheet for piano and then just play it with the truepianos application on sonar without using any kind of external device (a keyboard). And another thing in the same contex, except the piano and the drums sounds, can I find on sonar other sounds? for example to write notes for a saxophone or a trumpet and just give the program to play it with a sound of these instruments? That's all. I really appreciate your help guys, Thanks in advanced, Ami. P.S If I need a real keyboard, what keyboards does sonar support? I want to buy the chipest one. (Does it simply support every keyboard with a MIDI port?)
post edited by goldami1 - May 29, 11 6:21 PM
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 29, 11 8:11 PM
A soft synth uses midi data to know what to play. You can enter Midi data externally with a keyboard or other controller that sends Midi, or you can use the staff view, the PRV (piano roll view) or the step sequencer to insert midi data within the program. If you don't know how to read music then an external controller may be your best option. Of course, another option would be to learn to read music and some music theory. It certainly comes in handy at times. Sonar should be able to use any midi data sent from a controller with a midi out, though I'm sure there would be drawbacks to using a really cheap one. Some cheap synths may not send certain midi data, though the midi data can always be edited after it is recorded.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 30, 11 5:05 PM
Ok, again, thanks a lot for the help you give here, you're really awsome! Now, another important thing I wanna know, If I purchase the A-800 Pro keyboard, and some kind of a mixer (audio interface), will it be enough with my computer: Motherboard Asus P5QLE , Processor Intel E8500, ATI radeon HD4870 1GB ram graphics card, DVD, Kingston 4GB ram 800mhz. I mean, will it work good? And when I get that keyboard and the mixer, will I be able to play sounds of bass/acoustic/electric guitar, drums, piano and another instruments without adding money for plugins or some kind of additional stuff? please answer me for this important questions. Again, thanks a lot. Sincerely yours, Ami.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
May 30, 11 5:27 PM
The important thing is to get a good audio interface. Your computer sounds better than mine and I'm doing OK. The Cakewalk TTS-1 synth has all the General Midi instruments and different banks with variations of those. Here is a link to a Wiki page listing the 127 General Midi Instruments. Your version of Sonar also has other synths that have common instruments as well as more esotieric and specialized sounds.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
June 03, 11 7:18 PM
Ok, I think I'm gonna take the A-500 PRO keyboard and some kind of audio interface, I will see what I choose. But another thing I wondered is where from can I take the sounds? without paying additional money? well, I saw I got the drum session 3 with my sonar 8.5 producer but except it I don't have a thing! so what do I do after I get the A-500 PRO and I want to play sax alt or grand piano or something? Thanks, Sincerely yours, Ami.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
June 03, 11 8:01 PM
Sonar 8.5 PE comes with several soft synths with a wide variety of sounds, including bass, alto sax and grand piano. You need to start using the Cakewalk TTS-1 soft synth... it comes with your program. It has all the basic sounds you want. Do you know how to insert a soft synth? Do you know how to see what soft synths you have? You have a lot of tools but you don't seem to be aware of them, know how to find them or how to use them. Go to the top menu and click INSERT. Move your mouse cursor down until it is over SOFT SYNTHS. Click Cakewalk TTS-1. A synth property box will open. In it, select FIRST SYNTH AUDIO OUTPUT and MIDI SOURCE. This will insert the TTS-1 soft synth, insert an audio track to play the soft synth, and a midi track to enter midi data to play the soft synth. Put the Midi Track on channel 1. Click BANK and put it on PRESET NORMAL 0. Click the little box under Bank (it should say none). That is where you can select your patches. If you want more instruments insert more Midi tracks. Put each track on its own midi channel. Choose the bank and patch for each new midi track. Have fun. To open the soft synth itself double click the little keyboard icon on the audio track that was inserted when you inserted the soft synth. This is where you can adjust reverb and chorus levels for each instrument. This is a VERY basic guideline but it's a good place to start.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
June 04, 11 4:50 PM
ok, thanks a lot. Now, let's say I am not really satisfied with the sounds I get, like the trumpets' sounds and the tuba and strings, viola and a lot of others, where can I get sounds of a better quality? sounds with a real texture or something that will sound like it got out of a real instrument? could you recommend something? P.S I understood everything, but from what you explained, I saw it's possible only to get kind of a demo of the sounds, but if I want to see an illustration of the instrument (for example a piano) and to play on it with a mouse or something, is that possible? if it is, how can I do that? And again, Thanks a lot for the consideration and this effective help. Thanks a lot, Ami.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
June 04, 11 5:22 PM
"I want to see an illustration of the instrument (for example a piano) and to play on it with a mouse or something, is that possible? if it is, how can I do that?" The closest thing to that in Sonar is the Drop Zone 1 soft synth. I haven't used it much and, while it has a keyboard that is great for previewing sounds, I'm not aware of it being able enter either midi or audio while recording. If you purchase a Midi keyboard controller you would use that to preview soft synth sounds and record midi for the soft synths to play back. You can enter notes manually without a keyboard using the staff view or the PRV (piano Roll View). The PRV has a vertical row of piano keys that are very good for previewing sounds. As for sounds of better quality I suggest checking out the Dimension LE and Rapture LE synths included with your version (and mine) of Sonar. If you don't have those you might need to reinstall Sonar to make sure you get those. I'm not sure their installation is the default configuration. While installing Sonar you get to where you are asked to choose between a simple installation and a custom installation. Choose custom and look through all the options and install everything you think you might want to use. If you aren't sure, install everything. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. And, of course, you can always download a soft synth from online and add it to Sonar, though I doubt you'll find many FREE soft synths that will produce superior sounds of the kind you've mentioned to the ones that already come with Sonar.
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Re:Hi guys, I have some sound problems with the sonar producer 8.5.2v
June 07, 11 5:43 AM
Another oft neglected synth included with Sonar is the not-so-humble Pentagon. There are hundreds of patches to choose from, including all kinds of percussion & drum patches, as well as basses, leads, pads, organs etc.
CbB, Platinum, 64 bit throughoutCustom built i7 3930, 32Gb RAM, 2 x 1Tb Internal HDD, 1 x 1TB system SSD (Win 7), 1 x 500Gb system SSD (Win 10), 2 x 1Tb External HDD's, Dual boot Win 7 & Win 10 64 Bit, Saffire Pro 26, ISA One, Adam P11A,