Sonar files with other DAWs programs

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June 04, 11 11:56 PM (permalink)

Sonar files with other DAWs programs

Hello, I'm wondering if the CWP file that Sonar saves in can be opened in another DAWs program other than Sonar? 

So I'm recording a couple of tracks in Sonar 8.5 and when I send that to my other bandmates I would like for them to open it up and have all the tracks laid out as in what I'm seeing. 

Does anyone know if that's possible with other DAWs programs or do they need to be converted? 

Can I just export to WAV file? If I do that will the individual tracks still show up on another program? 

Thanks John

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    Re:Sonar files with other DAWs programs June 05, 11 2:15 AM (permalink)

    I'm wondering if the CWP file that Sonar saves in can be opened in another DAWs program other than Sonar?
    No, different DAWs use different proprietary formats for project files.  However they can all import and export WAV files.  Therefore importing and exporting audio tracks ("stems") as 24-bit WAVs is the usual way of exchanging music data in collaborations.  16-bit WAVs or lower-quality MP3s are sometimes used in the early stages of a project.  MIDI files can be exchanged too.

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    Re:Sonar files with other DAWs programs June 05, 11 2:21 AM (permalink)
    SONAR can create OMF-files, which can be opened in other DAWs which support OMF. I've never done it, so I don't know the details.

    Different DAWs usually have different plugins so that's a common culprit in the process.

    Exporting tracks as wavs it's good to use Broadcast Wavs, because they include a timestamp.

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