Re:Cant register Dim Pro !
June 06, 11 8:56 PM
Had similar prob.... Cake support told me there is a knon bug. Workaround: (Make sure you can access the *stand-alone DimPro), right click on icon, choose "Run as Administrator", then when it asks for RegCode, enter an click "Process". You're good.
the artist formerly known as Peter J
new music soon from Tightrope Fortune!
The *brand new* Phoen1xDAW:
Core i5 3.3 GHz on Asus P8B75-M
32 GB Mushkin Blackline RAM
(2) Seagate 1 TB HD's
1 GB nVidia Vid
Win 7 Pro SP1
My DAW is not cutting edge. It is middle-of-the-blade super bang for the buck! The BAM is in the RAM. ;-|