Pan one specific note

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June 07, 11 1:05 AM (permalink)

Pan one specific note

Is it possible in one track set to one channel, to change the pan of one specific note?

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    Re:Pan one specific note June 07, 11 1:28 AM (permalink)
    Well, if the note was in a cluster of notes playing at the same time... I don't know. But if it is by itself you can use cc#10 (pan) in the track.

    You could always put that one note on its own track and channel.
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    Re:Pan one specific note June 07, 11 1:29 AM (permalink)
    I believe so.
    You are talking MIDI, correct?
    There may be more elegant solutions, but what I would do is to map the particular note to a different output(if the synth has multiple outputs), or to a separate instance of the synth, so you can control it independently. I've mapped drums to different sets from the same track, and it looks like the same should be possible with notes, since drums are essentially  specific notes anyway.

    post edited by RobertB - June 07, 11 1:36 AM

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    Re:Pan one specific note June 07, 11 1:41 AM (permalink)
    Insert pan envelope....zoom in on note...move envelope nodes so it pans note?

    - Mike
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    Re:Pan one specific note June 07, 11 1:46 AM (permalink)
    A  cluster of notes, no. However, CC#10 will change the pan of the channel at anytime so you can quickly change the pan of one note and then move it back into place on the next.
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