Groove Clip on Long files causes crash
This is kind of a public service announcement in case anyone else is having this issue.
I had a session that has a mix from a producer/beat-maker in another country. I recorded vocals over it, kinda karaoke style.
Everything was cool until I tried to import his instrumental tracks (midi bounced down to audio stereo files). The project began to save very slow, and when closing and trying to re-open it would take awhile to do that as well. It also crashed Sonar a few times. I tried it in X1C and still had the same issue.
Also, every other track I tried to import sounded like a digital crackling distortion. Lame!
So I deleted all the instrumental tracks, and it was gone. Saved quick.
So I noticed that Groove-Clip looping was enabled on all these tracks. Turned it off, and problem solved.
Just an FYI to anyone having similar issues and is using files from other studios producing 'dance' or 'techo' style music.