Re:You know medical care is expensive when you see a news story like this...
2011/06/22 14:27:46
FREE health coverage, a room, meals, education, free tv and movies,
free use of gym equipment, get to do light jobs around town...get
out and meet internet, free utilities, free clothes, free clothes
cleaning, a small income to buy stuff in the little store....get to learn trades
like working with wood, repairing vehicles, cooking, sign painting....
and then there's the farm...where one can be around the horses
and other animals that the facility may dogs used for tracking
ones that needed to escape to get more time there...
and then there's the visit time where one can enjoy the company of...well
whatever turns them on....and just loud motorcycles to interupt
one's quiet time...noisey neighbors are dealt with immediately.
Yeah...I can see that being a real good life for some. Starve, die sick or freeze to
death on the sidewalk....or do some time....die or do some time....die or do some time...
Yeah...I hate to see that. Been going on for a long, long, lonely time.