64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2

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June 18, 11 8:45 PM (permalink)

64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2

Hi there

Didn't know where else to go to ask this. It's more likely my knowledge of computers which is bad here.

I upgraded to X1 a while back and also to a Win7 64 bit operating system. I installed UAD2 and Superior Drummer 2 the other day. After installation, I switched my PC off due to having stuff on that I had to attend to in a hurry. I didn't have time to check if eveything was operational.

Today, I powered up to find that my UAD2 plugins and SD2 are not available in X1. I think I've come to the conclusion that I installed to the wrong location, installing them to 'Program Files (x86)' instead of 'Program Files'. For some reason, the UAD2 software showed up in my programs in the control panel but the SD2 did not.

What I done was uninstall the UAD2 and then reinstalled it to the 'Program Files'. They now show up in X1. Whoopee. Now I think I'll do the same with SD2. However, I cannot uninstall the SD2 from the 'Program Files (x86)' due to it not showing up in my control panel programs, nor the start menu. Also, there is no uninstall file in its folders in the 'Program Files (x86)' folder.

Prior to a reinstall of SD2 to 'Program Files', would I be okay just deleting the current 18.2GB SD2 folder/files in 'Program Files (x86)' as opposed to uninstalling? I don't see any other way to get rid of it. Did I actually install SD2 then?

Shedding any light on this would be much appreciated.


Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)

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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 18, 11 9:34 PM (permalink)
    For the record, although UAD will run from anywhere, putting them in Program Files is implied you believe them to be 64bit dlls. UAD are (currently) 32bit dlls. Most here would tell you (and I agree) they should be installed in Program Files (x86) and your 64bit version of SONAR should scan that folder as well as Program Files (assuming you want to use them in your SONAR 64bit program).

    WRT SD2; They have 32bit and 64bit installers (you are required to run them separately). You probably installed (since it was the default) the 32 bit version in Program Files (x86), which is a good thing.

    Now, go get the 64bit SD2 installers and run them. They will (or should) be directed to Program Files.


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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 19, 11 9:26 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Bapu

    It's beginning to make sense now. I'm editing this post for the second time having made some advances in solving the problem. The uninstall option for the (x86) 32 bit version is only accessible via the SD2 installation disc. I Just found this out. I'm going to uninstall and reinstall the 64 bit version. If this doesn't work and I end up with the 32 bit one again then I'll do as you suggested and install the 64 bit one next.

    Incidentally, during my previous install of SD2, I recall choosing to install the SD2 sound library files to my 1TB midi files drive and it appears to have ignored me, creating 18GB worth of files in my Program Files (x86)/Toontrack folder. I don't care much for that.

    Incidentally, it appears I was wrong. My UAD files are in fact installed to Program File (x86)/Universal Audio - so at least I got something right. One odd thing is that my 32 bit VB3 Hammond vst installed to Program Files/Cakewalk/VST Plugins. I never had options during intall for installing this as 32 bit.

    Regarding my UAD and SD2 not showing up in X1. I now realise I failed to set these locations in my VST scan folders. Doh!

    I'll crack on and see if I can get this completely solved. Computer stuff has never been my strongest point...lol

    Thanks for the info Bapu.

    post edited by zippsinc - June 19, 11 10:56 AM

    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 19, 11 10:57 AM (permalink)

    1. It's odd that the UAD2 is now working after uninstalling from (x86) and installing in the 64bit Program Files folder. Why would that be?

    2. <edit> UAD2 has had "64-bit driver support" since Jan 2007. Does this still mean the plugins are still 32-bit? </edit>

    Thanks for the info Bapu.



    1. Because the location of the install is not the deciding factor of it working or not, it's the scan. You installed the 32bit plugs in the 64bit folder. SONAR scanned it there. To be clear it is not a requirement that only 64bit programs be in Program Files it's just that it's "logical" to put them there and 32bit plugs in Program Files (x86).

    2. Yes, UAD are still 32bit dlls that "properly" install in a 64bit OS.
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 19, 11 2:15 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Bapu

    This is beginning to get ridiculous. I'm at my wit's end with SD2 here. Let me see if I have this correct and doing things properly?

    After starting from scratch having uninstalled previous attempts, I installed clicking on the SD2 installer msi file. When given the option for a full or custom install, I chose custom due to wishing to change from the default (x86) in favour of my Program Files (x64). I did a complete install previously and it defaulted to (x86). After attempting to change the pathway to:

    Program Files\Toontrack\Superior\Superior Drummer 2.0\

    It seemed to go for (x86) regardless of what I did, leaving the old (x86) pathway listed beside the Browse button and ignoring my choice to alter the pathway. Therefore, I had no choice but to proceed with the (x86) install.

    The installer then gave me the option of installing my 18GB worth of sound files which I did. I opted to install these on my 1TB midi drive (not my OS drive). I was advised by someone that this kind of setup was the way to go. Is it? Or have I messed up here?

    As you advised Bapu, I tried to install SD2 again hoping to get the 64 bit Program Files option. However, my options on beginning the installation were, Modify, Repair or Uninstall. Nothing else. It's like I get one install and that's it!

    What am I doing wrong? By the way, the sound files take quite a time to install whereas the SD2 msi and EZplayer installers take 10 seconds. Is this right? I've ascertained that the installers merely place the pdf manuals in their respective folders and that's about it.

    Incidentally, on installing EZplayer, it did allow me to alter the pathway at least giving me the impression that it had whilst installing. However, this too went to the (x86) Program Files folder.

    In X1, I'm going into Preferences and to VST Settings and selecting just about every SD2 folder I have. Where exactly should I be pointing X1 to scan?

    Apologies to everyone for being a pest about this. I've spent most of the day on this and have tried everything i can think of.


    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 19, 11 2:27 PM (permalink)

    Have you downloaded the most recent SD2 installer? There is a 32bit installer and a separate 64bit installer. It sounds like you have the older 32bit installer.

    Go to Toontrack and get the latest installer.
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 19, 11 3:07 PM (permalink)


    Have you downloaded the most recent SD2 installer? There is a 32bit installer and a separate 64bit installer. It sounds like you have the older 32bit installer.

    Go to Toontrack and get the latest installer.

    Thanks Bapu

    I really appreciate your help. I'm unable to give this a whirl now and won't get a chance until mid-week.

    I've been nagged into doing other stuff and that pesky work of mines' just gets in the way of my recording fun/madness.

    Just quickly checked the toontrack forum and found an old post someone made with the same issue. Same solution you gave too. This must be it. I've got a positive feeling that this is going to work. Will post back once I get the chance.

    Thanks Bapu, your help has been very appreciated. Cheers.


    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 21, 11 4:00 PM (permalink)
    Hi Bapu

    Got it working now after a bit of investigative work.

    I used the new installer on the toontrack website. The 64 bit versions of SD2 and EZP appear to install to: Program Files\Vst plugins\Toontrack\64 Bit

    Who'd have thought eh?

    Thanks for all your help Bapu. I no longer feel as helpless as I did yesterday.



    Sonar X1d Producer/Pro Tools 9 - Win7 64bit - i7 930 2.8GHz - 6GB DDR3 RAM - RME MultifaceII - RND Portico 5012 & 5016 - Sytek MPX-4Aii - UAD2 Duo/Solo - MoFET76 - API 2500 - Dbx 160x (x2) - Dbx 166 (old revision) - FMR RNC (x2)
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    Re:64 bit installation issue - Superior Drummer 2 June 21, 11 4:07 PM (permalink)
    Glad to see you have it sorted out.
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