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Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
I learned a lot in the few minutes I have watched of it. BTW through the month of June cakewalk customers get 50 percent off of their order. They sent a email out but i didn't look at it until today. Great buy for 25 bucks.
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 2:40 AM
I wish we customers would get an alternative version, so we could view the vids on ipad!
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 2:52 AM
Sonar X1 Explained was awesome. Especially being a new Sonar user. That said, the "Tips & Tricks" vids aren't for everyone. I mostly record standard rock bands (Drums, Bass, Guitar and Vocals) and there wasn't really much for me to be learned in this one. It's a very well laid out tutorial by the legendary Eli Kranzberg but again it just wasn't for me. I'm sure a lot of user will however find it useful.
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 6:44 AM
The Groove 3 X1 videos have been invaluable for me in getting up to speed with the program. Next on my list is the 'X1 Power!' book. Cyphersuit, if you have the downloaded version, can't you just convert the avi's to mp4, or whatever format the iPad likes ?
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 2:46 PM
I can't seem to find the email you're referring to where cakewalk customers get 50% off of their orders. I tried ordering the vids, but didn't see the 50% discount reflected so I backed out.
Q9550 | ASUS P5Q-EM | Windows Vista 64 | 8GB | Sonar 8PE | Sonar X1d Producer Expanded | Project5 V2.5 | Komplete 5| KORE 2 | Independence Pro | Omnisphere | Komplete 7
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 3:00 PM
post edited by DEE MUSIC - June 18, 11 3:04 PM
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 3:03 PM
cyphersuit I wish we customers would get an alternative version, so we could view the vids on ipad! You can view the groove 3 videos on your ipad and ipod touch, in itunes go to advance and click create ipod or ipad version then import them to your device
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 18, 11 6:58 PM
DEE MUSIC cyphersuit I wish we customers would get an alternative version, so we could view the vids on ipad! You can view the groove 3 videos on your ipad and ipod touch, in itunes go to advance and click create ipod or ipad version then import them to your device What are the video limitations on the i-pad? It seems like I heard that the i-pad won't support flash, is that right? What are the real world limitations to audio/video with the i-pad? Would something with Honeycomb be a better choice? I've considered a tablet but can't seem to sift through all the specs and all the hype each one puts out... you would think that each one is the best tablet ever made for everything... it is confusing. Julien
Sonar Platinum Studiocat Pro 16G RAM (some bells and whistles) HP Pavilion dm4 1165-dx (i5)-8G RAM Octa-Capture KRK Rokit-8s MIDI keyboards... Control Pad mics. I HATE THIS CMPUTER KEYBARD!
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 20, 11 12:47 AM
I learned a lot in the few minutes I have watched of it. BTW through the month of June cakewalk customers get 50 percent off of their order. They sent a email out but i didn't look at it until today. Great buy for 25 bucks. Is it possible that this is an offer for US customers only? I've scowered my Hotmail old messages, but could not find anything related to this. That's too bad; this sounds like an awesome deal. Regards Glenn
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 20, 11 1:12 PM
I've been watching the Groove 3 tutorials on my Ipad. Just import in to itunes. Groove 3 stuff goes in to the tv section which is fine. Opens up and gives you all the sections available.
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 23, 11 5:39 PM
I grabbed 'X1 Tips & Tricks' yesterday; this vid is totally worthwhile. To me, the 'enhanced keyboard editing' section alone is worth the price of admission...it shows how to fly through zooming, scrolling, selecting, etc w/out having to come up w/ a custom key binding set. Lots of other X1 usages that would have taken me months to figure out on my own. Regards Glenn
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 23, 11 6:26 PM
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 23, 11 9:09 PM
i7/16GB ram Win 7 x64 SONAR Platinum Producer x64 VS-700 C&R Octa-Capture and VS-100 for live recording
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 24, 11 0:20 PM
DEE MUSIC cyphersuit I wish we customers would get an alternative version, so we could view the vids on ipad! You can view the groove 3 videos on your ipad and ipod touch, in itunes go to advance and click create ipod or ipad version then import them to your device But the vids need the player that is included or am i wrong and i can watch them "standalone"?
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 24, 11 4:50 AM
cyphersuit But the vids need the player that is included or am i wrong and i can watch them "standalone"? You can watch them 'standalone'. Go into the "SONARX1TipsandTricks\data" folder to find the individual files.
Jeff Evans
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 24, 11 6:07 AM
The Groove 3 tutorials are just standard MPEG 4 movies and will play on most things just as they are. But the player that is supplied is also very good. It runs on both Mac and PC and you just double click on it to get it going. It does not even need to be insdtalled. It will just bootup and be ready with all the videos listed and ready to go. The player is pretty good as it is easy to stop and rewind etc. Very handy. I am learning FL Studio 10 right now and the groove 3 tutorials are very good.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re:Just picked up the Groove 3 Sonar Tips and Tricks
June 24, 11 10:48 AM
Jeff Evans I am learning FL Studio 10 right now and the groove 3 tutorials are very good. I am curious! Why are you learning FL when you have X1? What does groove 3 have to do with FL? Thanks!