Softsynth GUI window not showing entire contents (SSD4)

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September 14, 16 1:27 PM (permalink)

Softsynth GUI window not showing entire contents (SSD4)

I just purchased Steven Slate Drums 4 Platinum, and it is only displaying the top 90% of the plugin.  In other words, the bottom 10% of the screen isn't showing up.  It's like there ought to be a vertical scroll bar, but there isn't; the window just "ends".  No amount of mousing or scroll wheeling gets the bottom to show.
Screen resolution is maxed at 1368x768.  I tried other resolutions. I tried loading the Softsynth in an older version of Cake/Sonar.  Same thing.
I watch Youtubes of this softsynth, and everyone's screen shows the whole thing, but on mine, the window "ends" right before the bottom 1" of buttons, so I am missing important things (like the 'Save' button, for one!). 
I put a helpdesk email in to Slate, but no word back (and I am told they are mightly slow). It almost seems like there must be some sort of parameter to "allow more pixels for the plug"?  Is there a Sonar option for this?  How do I get the whole plug to show up?
Thanks in advance for any tips.  P.S. I've been away a long time, and now I'm back. I got married and had two kids since my heyday of "living on" the Sonar forums.  Things are settled in and I hope to get back to more recording time now.
Thanks, Ed
post edited by ed97643 - September 14, 16 1:52 PM

Registered Cakewalk user since 1995

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    Re: Softsynth GUI window not showing entire contents (SSD4) September 14, 16 1:36 PM (permalink)

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    Re: Softsynth GUI window not showing entire contents (SSD4) September 14, 16 1:36 PM (permalink)
    According to the minimum required screen resolution for the plug-in is 1280x1024. Unless there is a way to increase the screen resolution, the plug-in will not fit on the screen.
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    Re: Softsynth GUI window not showing entire contents (SSD4) September 14, 16 1:45 PM (permalink)
    Thanks scook.  It's the "1024" part that's the killer here.  I own three large-ish computer monitors (ranging from 32" to 36"), and all three of them max out at a resolution of 1366 x 768.  Now I need to go buy a new monitor to see all of my plugin.... Hmm, that just "more than doubled" the cost of that plug.

    Registered Cakewalk user since 1995
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