Re:Sometimes freeze works, but why sometimes
2011/07/04 23:41:59
Trying to freeze True piano track. Cannot do? Freeze buttons in Synth rack do nothing.
Try the Freeze on the midi track to see if that works.
But they will freeze sessdr3, but when it does it goes into a continuous loop of freezing with more than 20 progreesion bar completes. But, only 5 tracks on the drum track??
Are you using "All Synths Audio Outputs" in the insert VST dialogue box? If so, when you freeze the synth it has to mix down the Audio separately for each one of those audio tracks it set up. It will still do it for all 12 channels even though some contain no data.
Sonar Platinum 64bit, Win 8.1 Pro 64bit, Quad Core 3.2GHz, 16G ram, Edirol FA 101, Nvidia
EW (Platinum Orchestra, Hollywood Strings, Pianos, Gypsy, Fab 4, Ministry of Rock,Choirs, etc)