replace a few seconds of a track

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October 06, 04 2:41 PM (permalink)

replace a few seconds of a track

Hello All,

I have a audio guitar track that is decent except for about 5-6 seconds of a bad notes. What is the best way to cut that out and insert what I need. Thanks!!

HS2, HP PIII Laptop, Win 2000, Tascam US-122

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    RE: replace a few seconds of a track October 06, 04 4:07 PM (permalink)
    Hi Darren

    I'm no expert here and I'm sure there are better ways to do this (like auto drop-ins and stuff ..) but just stick the time line a few seconds before the point at which you want to record, press record and play your new guitar bit then press stop.

    You'll find that a new recorded section sits on top of the old one. You can grab the side of the new section and slide it (revealing the old one below it) until you only expose the bits of your new one that you want.

    I guess ideally, before doing that, you'd select the original track (click it until it goes black), stick the time line somewhere on your ugly notes, click the right-hand-mouse button and select 'split'. Then you could drag the sides of the resulting two sections to hide your bad notes.

    Bit of a clumsy explanation but hopefully you'll see what I mean.

    Obviously you'll need the same guitar/amp/mic settings as before or it will sound like a patch.

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    RE: replace a few seconds of a track October 06, 04 4:30 PM (permalink)
    Yeah that makes sense.......Thanks!! My band members are putting the preasure on me and I must be over looking the obvious. Thanks again. By the way I heard your tunes.......sounds pretty good!

    HS2, HP PIII Laptop, Win 2000, Tascam US-122
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    RE: replace a few seconds of a track October 06, 04 8:24 PM (permalink)
    Uh..... Cut and Paste (maybe with some cross-fading)? That works for me. Take the Tutorial on Editing Audio.

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