Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots??

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July 01, 11 10:57 AM (permalink)

Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots??

Please excuse this slight GC rant but I'd like to know if any of you have had a similar experience.  GC puts out tons of mailers and circulars.  I seem to get one every few days.  Certainly one a week.  And most definitely on holiday weekends.  Generally they tout the same old things at the same old prices but always have at least three or four "loss leaders" that pique my interest and, sometimes, provoke me to actually purchase.  However on several occasions...this is now the fourth straight time...when I see a deeply discounted piece of software (it seems to always be software only) that I want to pick up.  Neither my sales guy at GC (a former employee of mine and a great guy), his boss, anyone at GC central, their website, or the GC computers know anything at all about the software and do not show it for sale.  Sometimes it doesn't even show up as a GC item at all.  The latest is the new Waves One Knob.  It's shown in the current 4th of July Weekend Sale-A-Thon circular for an "instant rebate" price of $150.  Since it's usual price is $320, that's a nice discount.  Except they don't have it in stock...or in their computer...or on the GC main site computer...or on the GC website...anywhere at all to be sold this weekend.  I'm pretty sure they are not bait and switching.  I'm pretty sure they are just dimbulbs who can't get their s#%t together.  Your thoughts? 
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 11:12 AM (permalink)
    I had something similar happen at a gun shop years ago. Was looking at some hunting rifles. Saw one that caught my eye but didn't pull the trigger. Later that day I changed my mind and decided to buy it. I called the shop and told them to hold it and I raced back to the shop. When I got there the rifle was gone and the two salesman that were there told me there was no such rifle in the shop and never had been. A verbal argument ensued and I ended up flipping them both off and told them they'd never get my business again. My mistake ws calling them before I went back and asking if that particular model was still available. The guy on the phone said yes but he couldn't hold it, that is why I raced back. Obviously somebody in the shop wanted it for themselves or friends/family.
    post edited by Zuma - July 01, 11 11:13 AM

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 11:42 AM (permalink)
    I've had a couple of the big "we guarantee that we'll BEAT any legitimately advertised price" sellers tell me that they can't come close to a legitimately advertised price, that they would be selling below their cost.

    I always smell a rotten fish when they tell me that.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 12:46 AM (permalink)
    I can say that I once bought a guitar at one of their holiday blowout sales:

    It's a Gibson Pete Townshend Signature SG. I had previously looked at them in other stores (GC didn't seem to carry them), and it was priced way less than it should have been, even by discount music store standards. Since a lot of GC's "blowout guitars" tend to have major flaws - cracks, finish problems, someone dropped it, etc. - I was giving it a thorough going over looking for any kind of major or minor flaw, but it was perfect.

    So finally a sales guys came over and explained why it was so cheap - someone had special ordered the super deluxe, limited edition Pete Townshend SG model (complete with Who flight case and certificate personally autographed by Pete), and they had apparently ordered this "production model PT SG" by mistake. As it wasn't something GC carried in their carefully controlled inventory, it would doubtless have caused their entire corporate empire to collapse if they didn't get rid of it as soon as possible. So they discounted it 25-30% (or something like that) below the "normal, 50%-off-list-price discount price" you'd pay at a good discount music store.

    So it's possible that you're looking at something that was a special order at one store that went unclaimed  or for some other reason isn't in their "normal" inventory system. But it is silly to broadly advertise something like that.

    Oh, and the SG is the best rhythm guitar in the history of the world. 

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 1:14 PM (permalink)
    I've seen this too at GC... and it seems to happen a lot.

    My feeling is there's a disconnect between their marketing, er, corporate offices and the stores.

    That said, in my experiences, even though the salesmen never seem to be aware of these sales items, they will honor them - even if it means they have to be ordered from somewhere else.  You just need to bring the printed proof (of the sale).

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 5:01 PM (permalink)
    Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots??

    Are you implying those things are mutually exclusive? 
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 8:24 PM (permalink)
    Ya more than anything just sounds like some miscommunication. By them not having them in stock they are losing sales. I'm sure they didn't do that on purpose .    

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 10:40 PM (permalink)
    Maybe your local GC should ask to be put on the mailing list.

    All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 01, 11 11:38 PM (permalink)
    Although my local guys were able to (this time) make things work, it is still weird that both the item and the quoted price of a "special sale" piece is not available on either the GC website or the local GC computers.  Not a very well oiled machine;-) 
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 7:39 AM (permalink)
    I've noticed that as well, my ol pal.  mostly they have a big disconnect between corporate and the sales drones. 

    either the coporate offices don't train their employees well, or the drones were stoned during the training.  I can't decide which...
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 10:33 AM (permalink)
    In reading the post (#1) maybe I missed it..... BUT.... whenever I see something I want, at a great price, either on line or from a flyer..... I ALWAYS print it (online) or carry the flyer with me.

    Once I arrive at the store, I plop the advert onto the counter, point to the item, and state in an authoritative but polite voice....

    " I would like to purchase one of these today. "

    That way they see it. Now.... if they don't have it in stock I ask them to order it and give me a raincheck for it so I CAN get it at the sale price when it comes in. I also get the store's phone number and the name of the clerk who waited on me.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 12:18 AM (permalink)
    Find those guys who guarantee to match any price and fax them a copy of the flyer until you hit one who is dumber than GC and agrees to sell at that price... easy!
    Of course then you have the moral dilemma: to be honest and tell them that GC wouldn't even honor the flyer... or take the deal.  In any case you will have found a business that does what they say they will do and you can confidently do business with them in the future.  Any of these stores will, if they are compitent, will double check with GC to see if it is legitimate.... hence, it would have to be someone both dumber than GC and more honorable... a truly dangerous combination, laff!
    I am amazed that GC does not offer a little more. You should try insisting that they honor the deal, tell them that if they don't have it... they need to get it! You could have a bit of fun with this.
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 12:28 AM (permalink)
    In reading the post (#1) maybe I missed it..... BUT.... whenever I see something I want, at a great price, either on line or from a flyer..... I ALWAYS print it (online) or carry the flyer with me. Once I arrive at the store, I plop the advert onto the counter, point to the item, and state in an authoritative but polite voice.... " I would like to purchase one of these today. " That way they see it. Now.... if they don't have it in stock I ask them to order it and give me a raincheck for it so I CAN get it at the sale price when it comes in. I also get the store's phone number and the name of the clerk who waited on me.

    I like your thinking!! They shouldnt advertise it if they don't have it... and your time and trouble have value. You wouldn't have taken time out of your day not to mention fuel cst these days if it were not for their ad and, they have a responsibility even if they act like they are ignorant... or if they really are ignorant. There is no excuse for such.
    I ALWAYS negotiate a better price too. I figure that they paid 60% of retail and I try to get things for 70% of retail,  it does not always work but sometimes it does but I never pay asking price except on strings etc at a big store. I always make them eat the sales tax too and they almost always do it... or I will buy online with no sales tax and free shipping from an out-of-state store.... biz is biz.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 12:58 AM (permalink)
    Yup, I always take the circular with me also.  And, on the 4 occasions this has happened in the last two the end...I walked away with what was in the circular at the price advertised.  My gripe is the way GC runs its empire.  The call center doesn't know anything...the website doesn't show anything...and the local guys have to jump through needless hoops just to sell anything.  How do they stay in business.  I mean, if you've shopped both just compare and contrast Sweetwater to GC?  Mind boggling. 
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 8:37 PM (permalink)
    GC makes it's money by selling $100 guitars and drum sets to 13 year olds for $250. Once you come to grips with that, whatever else you can bleed out of that rock is gravy, IMO.

    On a somewhat related note... the whole store experience is a lost art. Except in rare circumstances, like the occasional Best Buy associate who knows a USB cable from a piece of yarn. I especially love this scenario that has happened to me on more than one occasion at GC, once or twice at Best Buy, and just last week to my wife at some major book store like Barnes and Noble:

    Me: "Yah, I'm looking for <fill in run of the mill product that should be in stock here>... do you have any in stock?"

    Sales drone: "Hmmm... lemme check the computer... nope, <with totally straight face> but I can order it for you." 


    Mmmmkay.... yeah, that totally defeats the purpose of me standing in front of you right now, rather than ORDERING IT MYSELF ONLINE!!!!!!!
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 02, 11 10:14 PM (permalink)

    In reading the post (#1) maybe I missed it..... BUT.... whenever I see something I want, at a great price, either on line or from a flyer..... I ALWAYS print it (online) or carry the flyer with me.

    Once I arrive at the store, I plop the advert onto the counter, point to the item, and state in an authoritative but polite voice....

    " I would like to purchase one of these today. "

    That way they see it. Now.... if they don't have it in stock I ask them to order it and give me a raincheck for it so I CAN get it at the sale price when it comes in. I also get the store's phone number and the name of the clerk who waited on me.

    That actually sounds like a good system. I'm going to try that next time. :)     
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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 04, 11 10:15 PM (permalink)
     I get those flyers all the time too from GC. While we are venting, my biggest peeve with them is that on the fine print of those flyers there are exclusions to what is actually on sale. Almost without exception the thing I wanted to be on sale isn't on sale.

       I think all of those kids coming in all day does something to their brains after awhile....I can't imagine an 8 or 10 hour shift listening to that constant noise!

      On the plus side  I want them around. I have managed to get some great deals from GC in used and trade in gear. A person can go in there and put hands on an instrument . The prices on new gear are usually  competitive. Don't get me wrong, I know they have flaws and some things could always be better. I think each individual branch also has different service depending on the management. The one I am closest to has done a pretty good job of things IMO.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 05, 11 8:12 AM (permalink)
    I'm pretty sure they are just dimbulbs who can't get their s#%t together. Your thoughts?

    FWIW, I generally like the folks who work at our local GC.
    That said, I've gone numerous times because of significant discounts (20% off)... and the employees weren't aware of the sale.
    I've always gotten the discounted item... so no bait-and-switch... just confusion on their part.
    Bought several Musicman instruments that way.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 06, 11 9:43 AM (permalink)
    Not sure if it's been mentioned but many of the deals they offer are for in store purchase only and you will never find it available at the online store.  In many cases I think that's where the confusion begins in that they use the electronic medium to get the message out to customers about a brick and mortar special and then the follow-up to the store employees fa8ils and the message never gets to the store that corporate has an "in-store" special running.

    Like others have mentioned however, I've always been able to work it out locally and it helps that I always bring printouts with me.  I have had to wait a few days, but I've gotten the deal in the end and in many cases a little more off for my trouble.

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 10, 11 1:11 PM (permalink)
    I just recently got a GC 4th of July 2011 mailer and was about to toss it when I stumbled upon Vir2's Electri6ity at $100.00 off the regular price on VIR2 and's websites.  I learned fast years ago: Never steal in slow motion.  Went to and it was not there even with their own stock number.  Must be a loss leader item. Called local GC and they found one in Denver.  Took a week to get it but was totally worth it.  Coincidentally my brother-in-law is the brother who owns GC.  Too bad there's bad blood between them.  I could use the employee discounts if they did get along.  Oh well. :P

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    Re:Guitar Center...Bait and Switch? Or just idiots?? July 10, 11 2:13 PM (permalink)
    I've considered getting a job at GC just for the employee discounts. Unfortunately, they won't hire anyone over 25.

    All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

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