Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released

Susan G
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June 20, 11 8:33 PM (permalink)

Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released

Hi all-

FYI -- I got this email today:
June 19th, 2011: We are happy to inform you that Voxengo Voxformer
version 2.6 update is now available for download.  Voxengo Voxformer
is multi-functional vocal channel strip plugin for professional audio
production applications, available in AudioUnit and VST plugin
formats, for Mac OS X and Windows computers.

The most important change this version implements is the addition of 3
new saturation modes that extend the sound coloration palette you can
use to process your tracks.

Other changes version 2.6 implements:

   * Plugin's popup-windows now recover last position after reopening.
   * Mouse backward and forward buttons can be used for filter type
and parameter value selection.
   * The "Alt" key can now be used to adjust knob parameters
synchronously in several channel groups.
   * The "Min Infrastructure" user interface display mode added.
   * The "Flat Level Meters" level meter display mode added.
   * The "Show All Filter Shapes" global switch added.
   * Version change history information window added.
   * The "Do Not Show Latency Changes" global switch added.

The coolest feature of Voxformer is its one-knob vocal compressor.
Using only a single knob, you can get a tight, open and definitive
professional vocal sound with an excellent articulation in no time.
You do not have to worry about common ratio and make-up gain controls
since they are automatically selected by the advanced compression
algorithm while attack and release parameters are stored in a mode
preset.  Moreover, Voxformer features two compressors of this type,
allowing you to apply either a two-band or a two-stage (serial) vocal

Voxformer features:

   * Two built-in vocal compressors
   * Two-band compressor operation
   * Asymmetric compression
   * 5-band parametric equalizer
   * Real-time FFT spectrum analyzer
   * Noise gate (de-breath) module
   * De-esser module
   * Presence boosting module
   * Saturation module with 4 modes
   * Residue listening mode
   * Stereo and multi-channel processing
   * Internal channel routing
   * Channel grouping
   * Mid/side processing
   * Up to 8x oversampling
   * 64-bit floating point processing
   * Preset manager
   * Undo/redo history
   * A/B comparisons
   * Contextual hint messages
   * All sample rates support
   * Zero processing latency

Voxengo Voxformer end-user license is available for purchase on-line
for US$69.95.  Demo version of Voxengo Voxformer can be downloaded at
the Voxengo web site: http://www.voxengo.com/product/voxformer/


2.30 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3610QM; 16 GB RAM
Windows 10 x64; NI Komplete Audio 6.
SONAR Platinum (Lexington) x64

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    Re:Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released June 30, 11 11:58 PM (permalink)
    Yup. Got the email and will be upgrading soon. Can't say enough about the sheer beauty of this plug on vocals. I don't even bother with anything else for my vocals and I've yet to hear anything better. It can't help you sing good but if you can sing good, man, it'll put your takes over the top.


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    Re:Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released July 01, 11 5:41 PM (permalink)
    I used Voxformer for my band's first EP and got several compliments on how well the vocals sat in the mix. I must admit I was intrigued to see that when I upgraded to Sonar 8.5 Producer that it comes with a vocal channel strip, but I don't really have the time to compare the two. Has anybody ever done that?

    Sonar Platinum (Newburyport) / Win 8.1 64bit / Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 / Absynth / Kontakt / Play / Superior Drummer 2 / ESP LTD guitar / etc
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    Re:Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released July 01, 11 6:43 PM (permalink)
    What I love about Voxformer other than how simple it is to use and acheive great results, is how musical the saturation and presence can be. Typically I don't like digital saturation as it crosses over into harsh distortion too quickly. With Voxformer I can get really sharp knife like tones without it sounding harsh and overly distorted. It seems to be very forgiving and harmonically rich. The compressor section is equally impressive to me. It's just a really outstanding solution for acheiving amazing vocal takes. I'm surprised more people don't use it. Alexi really does have some fabulous and underrated plugs.
    post edited by Zuma - July 01, 11 6:45 PM


    "the bus came by and I got on that's when it all began. There was cowboy Neal at the wheel of a bus to never ever land."_

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    Re:Voxengo Voxformer 2.6 vocal channel strip plugin released July 07, 11 1:08 PM (permalink)
    I use it on every vocal track I record and love the results. 
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