Anyone use Opcode Studio 128X with XP?
Please don't laffff but I'm trying to get an old Studo 128X to work with WinXP. I have the XP driver installed.
What DOES work: The StudioX config utillity confirms it's there on COM3 and Sonar sees all 128 MIDI channels.
What does NOT work: The 128 Editor where you select and edit routing presets. It says "driver not found" and won't talk to the 128X. Without it I'm stuck with the 3 factory presets, which are fine for most uses but if I ever need to change things I can't.
Is there a way to make this Editor work on XP or am I stuck? I'm guessing it wasn't designed to "see" the new driver made for Win 2K & XP as it's 3rd party, so maybe a hex editor tweek or something simple I haven't thought of yet.
Thanks for any help,