Re:Exciting stage today!!!
2011/07/10 22:36:43
Ken - You're right, cycling is a dangerous sport, but not so much from riding in the peloton.
Consider instead the mountain stages, where after struggling up one side of a mountain with lungs screaming in the thin air, riders fly down the winding roads on the other side pushing speeds of 50 to 70 mph on tires have pencil thin contact with the road. Then they do it again. Drug/blood doping abuses or not, cyclists have the hearts of lions!
(But yeah, the whole doping thing almost made me lose all interest in the sport, just coming back into it this year.)
ASUS P5ND/Intel E8500, Line6 Toneport UX2/PODFarm, Sonar, Axiom 25, Blue Bluebird,
Audio-Technica AT3035s, Blue Snowflake, Line6 Spider IV 150 & AMPLIFI, Crate 1
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