Re:Fast forward & rewing buttons
2011/07/17 14:08:46
Hi, Steve - I think you're saying that you'd like to fast forward or rewind and land on a particular spot in your project, logically landing at the beginning of a measure--is that correct?
If so, what you should do is have Markers set at logical places in your project. If it's a song, Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus 1 etc, for instance. Then you just use the Markers control to instantly jump to the exact start of those places in your project.
Randy B.
Sonar X3e Studio
Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller
Alesis i|O2 interface
Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz
8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64
with dual monitors