Pachelbel Canon Mix

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August 06, 11 10:10 AM (permalink)

Pachelbel Canon Mix

Project my wife and I are working on.  Comments on mix or instrumentation?  Thanks in advance.
"True Piano" Amber - Steven Slate "Steely" kit and SI "fingered bass" are the instuments used.
post edited by BretB - August 06, 11 10:17 AM

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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 06, 11 12:33 AM (permalink)
    The bass part has MANY questionable-sounding notes. ("one minute free" mastering) (free Sonar mixing template and Ozone mastering preset)
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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 06, 11 8:24 PM (permalink)
    Sounds like I am waiting on the phone or the elavator, sorry!!!  The mix is good the snare doesn't sound quite right, a bit thin.  Did you play this in yourself, it sounds too straight it needs midi effects, a bit of quantize.


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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 07, 11 6:00 AM (permalink)
    I liked it. It's refreshing to hear a version of the song that isn't butchered by some guitar player trying to show off how fast he can play and his sweep picking skills. This is much truer to the spirit of the original composition, and yet inserts some different stylistic interpretations.

    The bass part around 3:09 did stick out. I think that's a good use of voice leading in the bass but there was some dissonance between it and the piano chords that didn't quite work for me. Speaking of the bass I think the song would work better without the bass being pounded out by the piano. I think a nice fretless or acoustic bass sound would have worked better.

    I didn't like any of the percussion stuff. It didn't need any of those trap kit sounds.

    I think if you humanized the piano part by changing some of the note start/end times it would have made a big difference. UN-quantizing, as it were. I like to edit chords in the PRV so that the bottom note plays a little before the beat, and the upper notes play a bit behind the beat... to create a subtle arpeggiation in the chords. I do the same thing with the velocities of each note. The Cakewalk Midi Fx has randomize features for both velocity and quantization but I prefer doing it by hand. I'm a control freak when it comes to Midi. Below is an exaggerated example of how I like to un-quantize chords. I do the same thing with melodic lines, too. Just because my music is coming out of a machine doesn't mean I want it to sound mechanical.

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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 07, 11 8:16 AM (permalink)
    Piano playing sounds fine,  Too many dissonant notes on the very low bass; I get where you are trying to go with that, but it is too low end to allow that much noodling off the root.

    Too many drum fills that sound very's like I can guess not only when they are going to ahppen, but what kinda fill it will be. I might think about using a nice crunchy loop instead, that would be kinda hypnotic but hold the groove against the melody.
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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 07, 11 9:03 AM (permalink)
    to me.... well, this song has been done and nausium....

    However, the piano is very nice. Sounds good, played well.

    Loose the bass and the drums. They do not fit in this song.

    I think with the variations you put in on the piano, it will stand alone quite well.

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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 07, 11 9:51 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the great comments.  I changed some of the base notes, hopefully the right ones.  EQ the snare a bit more.  The piano without the base and drums takes me out of the project.  This is going to be a Christmas present to our parents and needs to be from both of us.  The drum level has been reduced a tad.  I will go back and look at the quantize on the piano parts.  Quite a bit of work has already been done on that.  My wife doesn't like playing to a click track and had to be quantized for timing.  The drums are MIDI but played live.  I hope they sound human.  The base part was done by me by ear.  Thanks again for the comments.

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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 07, 11 11:40 AM (permalink)
    Very beautiful piano rendition of this tune.  She plays very well and has great ears for cool chords.  I love it.  :)  I didn't hear the bass too loudly but it sounds good basically. Check the bass notes at 2:27 for a few seconds.  I always check the bass with the piano in prv to see if there's something that clashes there.

    I think your parents will be thrilled.  :)
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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 08, 11 0:06 PM (permalink)
    Chappel, loosened up the piano chords a bit.  Thanks for the keen ear.  Janet, tweeked a couple more base notes but didn't find a problem around 2:27.  Took a little verb off of the drums to more match the space the piano sets in.  Widened the panning on the kit a tad.  I would like to be done and move on to another tune.  Thanks for the comments.
    post edited by BretB - August 08, 11 0:14 PM

    Sonar Platinum - A&H ZED R16 - KRK VXT4's - Yamaha DTXpress IV & Gretsch Catalina Maple kits
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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 08, 11 10:18 AM (permalink)
    Nice piano playing.  I think the bass is fixed now.  I don't like the drum kit.  It does not fit the style of this song.  Maybe try a brush kit?


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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 08, 11 11:52 PM (permalink)
    Sounds good.  The thing about the bass is that the actual bass and the piano bass are both playing in the same area, sometimes the same note, sometimes a harmonized note.  Down in that range the harmonies sound dissonant.  Either have them both playing the same bass note and rhythm, or drop one of the instruments and just go with one instrument for the bass notes.  Otherwise I think the song has some real potential.  Nice job.
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    Re:Pachelbel Canon Mix August 09, 11 5:54 PM (permalink)
    The bass part is still problematic.  The original sheet music indicates that the root of the chord is ALWAYS on the bottom, and it's the same basic 8-bar pattern over and over again.  Keep it simple. ("one minute free" mastering) (free Sonar mixing template and Ozone mastering preset)
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