A First for Me!

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2011/08/12 04:22:55 (permalink)

A First for Me!

I usually just have the occasional lost person in Soundclick who happens to inadvertently stumble on my page and plays one of my pieces. I am always grateful! But yesterday I posted two new pieces and one shot to 71 in the Classical Chart (5 in Ensembles) and the other 103 in the World Chart (33 in New Age). There seem to be an awful lot of lost people in Soundclick!

Now I know the Soundclick charts don't mean anything in the real world. But it has cheered up my day!

The two pieces are

Autumn Prayer - My usual vaguely Celtic style:


Dream Time - A weird mix of New Age and Symphonic Choral!


The Titles? The weather here on my little isle is more like Autumn than Summer and I am feeling a distinct urge to hibernate!

Best Regards

XP Prof.
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GPO, VSL, Music Lab Real Guitar/LPC, EWQLSC, Vocaloid Miriam/Avanna 
Soundcard - Marian Marc 4 Midi


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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 08:05:42 (permalink)

    Autumn Prayer - beautiful.  Excellent choice of instruments chosen.  Well constructed arangement and well mixed.

    Dream Time - very soothing, relaxing bit of material.  This would work great in a movie cut scene.  Good job!

    Thanks for sharing,

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 08:34:32 (permalink)
    Hi Tom - Sincere thanks and so very pleased you like the two pieces. At my age, I am not sure I could cope with the shock of a phone call from Hollywood; but I would try ( there I go, dreaming again)!

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 08:40:51 (permalink)
    Congradulations!  You do a great job with your performances.  Both pieces are great - very relaxing and engaging.
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 09:19:21 (permalink)
    Hi Geno - Sincere thanks and really pleased you like them.

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 11:35:06 (permalink)
    Hi Malcolm, Autumn Prayer is beautiful, pensive an wistful. Also matches the weather here perfectly. Dream Time is an absolute stunner. This is breathtakingly beautiful. Very well done, Maestro.

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 11:43:18 (permalink)
    Beautifully done. Very relaxing.
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 11:57:11 (permalink)

     I love them both! Congratulations on doing so well! I may have the need to download a few of them myself when I get to my computer.
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 14:42:47 (permalink)
    Hi Rik - Sincere thanks. Sounds like the weather with you is the same as here. I did see the Sun briefly today - it was lost so I sent it to Soundclick to join the rest! As for "Maestro", I truly appreciate the thought but I must leave that worthy honorific to those who deserve it (Yes, you know who I mean, Sir!).

    Hi Chappel - Sincere thanks and so pleased you like them. We all need a bit of relaxation in this benighted world - my problem is trying to wake up!

    Hi Starise - Sincere thanks and really pleased you like them. A download? Phew, that only happens to me when there is a Blue Moon! You are very welcome - all my music is free.

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/12 15:40:33 (permalink)
    I was going to say I only had time for one, but I enjoyed Dream Time so much that I listened to Autumn Prayer as well.  Both beautiful pieces, exceedingly well done, but Autumn Prayer (for me anyway) was very visually evocative, as I could picture rolling hills and meadows in a big panoramic landscape.  When music can do that, it's a real credit to the composer.  Congratulations.
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 05:03:14 (permalink)
    Hi Phil - Sincere thanks. I take no personal credit for writing "visually evocative" music but give it entirely to my beautiful little Isle which is still largely unspoilt countryside; the view from the window of the room where I compose is so stunning I can sit and look at it for hours - which is probably the reason I only write about one piece of music a month - retirement is bliss!

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 07:01:26 (permalink)
    Aaaahhhh...you lulled me back to sleep......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 07:43:09 (permalink)
    Scotty - Sincere thanks. It's good to know my music does have one beneficial use for human-kind! (I'm writing this quietly so I don't wake you!).

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 08:25:44 (permalink)
    Hi Malcolm, with all due respect my learned friend, I have to disagree with you :
    Maestro (English: /ˈmaɪstroʊ/, Italian: [maˈestro]) (from the Italian maestro, meaning "master" or "teacher"[1]) is a title of extreme respect given to a master musician.

    Please note the words "respect"and "given"!  

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 08:46:49 (permalink)
    Hi Malcom,
    I really enjoyed Autumn Prayer from the begining.  beautiful sounds and lovely flowing melodic phrases with a good solid plucked base underneath. 

    Loved the build up, but would like to have heard it build a little more before dropping down.  the "start up" back at 2:07 was a pleasant surprise, but the attack on start up seemed a little aggressive.  How did you create this?  the harp especially sounds a little "stiff" - was it quantized?

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 09:38:12 (permalink)
    Hi Rik - you are more than generous. My only excuse is my innate English reserve - perhaps I should allow my Celtic side to come out more (although I think I shall give a miss to the woad!).

    Hi Beagle - You help so many people here and without your help back in 2005 when I first started trying to learn to write music and use Home Studio, I would not be writing today. My Sincere Thanks. As for your comments on Autumn Prayer, you are right on all points and shows I am still learning when it comes to that mystery they call mixing and polishing! I find using VSL Soft Synths particularly taxing although recent excellent advice from Janet is helping considerably. Oddly it is always that first note - no matter what I do with velocity and CC controllers, VSL always insists on hitting it with a hammer! Even when I think I have it right, it sneaks back in when I bounce to track. No doubt I will eventually work out why. As for the harp (GPO), it's an instrument that I find difficult to get the balance right - a fine line between it being too far in the background and losing sound quality or dominating. I didn't quantize it but used panning, volume envelopes and tried to adjust reverb to improve the sound and balance it with the other instruments. Clearly I need to work on this.

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 13:13:01 (permalink)
    x 2
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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 14:46:39 (permalink)
    Hi Alegria - Sincere thanks x a million

    Best Regards

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 15:06:15 (permalink)

    Autumn Prayer is such a good listen.  I can almost picture the view out your window.     Dream Time sounds like a background track to a movie,  You have a true talent that is immediately obvious to the listener.  VSL sounds great, if I had any classical talent I would probably get it...

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    Re:A First for Me! 2011/08/13 15:24:05 (permalink)
    Hi Markno999 - Sincere thanks and so very pleased you like these two pieces. As for VSL and having just spent a very pleasant time listening to your excellent music, I have seen so many groups from rock to jazz to pop today with small string backing orchestras. I could very easily imagine strings behind "It was only Yesterday" and "Blue Note" (thought I could hear strings in that one). And last night I watched a rock group at a British Festival with almost a full string and brass orchestra behind them - amazing sound. So worth thinking about VSL - I would definitely recommend it.

    Best Regards

    HS 7 XL
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    Soundcard - Marian Marc 4 Midi

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