radio Today on youtube I ran across this funny video , the young guy is teaching anyone how to cut your own hair . His hair when done look like he ran into a chain saw . LOL Watch the whole video , the music and him cutting his hair was so dang funny ! LOL
craigb So many possible comments, so few that fall within the TOS... *sigh* Funny Funny this is the coffee house not the song area or any other support area , your suppose to be able to talk about anything except for God & Country . Have some coffee and forget about TOS , it doesn't apply unless your trying to make waves !
radio craigb So many possible comments, so few that fall within the TOS... *sigh* Funny Funny this is the coffee house not the song area or any other support area , your suppose to be able to talk about anything except for God & Country . Have some coffee and forget about TOS , it doesn't apply unless your trying to make waves !